QGIS + Python Part 2

Execution operation check environment

Addition of fields (columns / columns) in the attribute table


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 
from PyQt4.QtCore import QVariant 

if layer is None :
    print(u'There is no active layer.')
layer.dataProvider().addAttributes( [
    QgsField('TestString', QVariant.String),
    QgsField('TestInt',  QVariant.Int),
    QgsField('TestDouble', QVariant.Double)
    ] )

--from PyQt4.QtCore import QVariant is required for QVariant.String --Work without layer.startEditing ()

Set the attributes of features


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 
from PyQt4.QtCore import QVariant 

if layer is None :
    print(u'There is no active layer.')
for feature in layer.getFeatures():

--In the above, set the TestString field value of all features on the layer to ABC (overwrite) --Instead of feature [attributeName] ='ABC', you can usefeature.setAttribute (attributeName,'ABC')

Get features that match specific attribute conditions using "expressions"

――The "expression" here is an expression described in the expression builder (↓↓). - Image2.png


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 

if layer is None :
    print(u'There is no active layer.')

req = QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterExpression( u'"id" = \'A14_000_1234\'' )
features = layer.getFeatures( req )

for feature in features:
    feature.setAttribute(attributeName, 'XYZ')

--The above is an example of getting a feature that matches the ʻid field value of ʻA14_000_1234.

Expression description rules

--The ** name ** of the field (column / column / attribute) is described in double quotation marks. --The ** value (character string) ** of the field is described in single quotation marks. --However, if the value of the field is a numerical value, describe it as it is.

Select features that match specific attribute conditions


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 

if layer is None :
    print(u'There is no active layer.')
req = QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterExpression( u'"TestInt" > 2000' )
features = layer.getFeatures( req )
layer.setSelectedFeatures([featur.id() for featur in features])

--In the argument of setSelectedFeatures (), set the ** id list ** of the feature instead of the entity (instance) list of the feature. - void QgsVectorLayer::setSelectedFeatures ( const QgsFeatureIds & ids )

Get the layer entity from the layer name


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 

layerName = 'test lay01 Polygon'
layer = None
for layer_ in QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers().values():
    if layer_.name() == layerName:
        layer = layer_

if layer is None :
    print(u'layer"{0}"Does not exist.'.format(layerName))

Related posts

-Python + GIS Part 1

Reference material

-Introduction to QGIS Programming 2016 Osaka Edition

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