tl;dr After seeing the Hatena entry, I wanted to touch Jupyter.
MacOSX El Capitan‎ Python2.7
An error occurred when I tried to install Jupyter.
pip install jupyter
Installing collected packages: setuptools, gnureadline, appnope, ptyprocess, pexpect, ipython, ipykernel, notebook, ipywidgets, jupyter-console, qtconsole, jupyter Found existing installation: setuptools 18.4 Cannot remove entries from nonexistent file /anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/easy-install.pth
It is said that the cause is that the setuptools attached to Anaconda that I put in before is old.
conda update setuptools
After running it again, it looks like it was installed.
pip install jupyter
Start as a trial.
ipython notebook
Then, the following URL tab is opened in the default browser, and you can touch Jupyter. http://localhost:8888/tree
When stopped, press Control-C in the terminal.
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