[JAVA] I tried to program bubble sort by language

I was wondering what the difference in grammar would look like if I programmed with the same subject, so I created a simple program so that I could compare it. The description method is different for each language, but the common control statement for for and if is used, and the replacement process is the same. I realized once again that I thought language was a tool for system development.


$dt = array(7,5,9,6,2,4,1,3,8);
for($i = 0; count($dt) > $i; $i++){
    foreach($dt as $k=>$v){
        $set_k = $k + 1;
        if(isset($dt[$set_k]) && $v > $dt[$set_k]){
            $tmp = $dt[$set_k];
            $dt[$set_k] = $dt[$k];
            $dt[$k] = $tmp;


int dt[] = {7,5,9,6,2,4,1,3,8};
for(int i = 0;dt.length - 1 > i;i++){
    for(int j = 0;dt.length - 1 > j;j++){
        int k = j + 1;
        if(dt[j] > dt[k]){
            int tmp = dt[k];
            dt[k] = dt[j];
            dt[j] = tmp;


let dt = [7,5,9,6,2,4,1,3,8];
for(let i = 0;dt.length - 1 > i;i++){
    for(let j = 0;dt.length - 1 > j;j++){
        let k = j + 1;
        if(dt[j] > dt[k]){
            let tmp = dt[k];
            dt[k] = dt[j];
            dt[j] = tmp;


dt = [7,5,9,6,2,4,1,3,8]
for i in dt:
    for j in dt:
        k = dt.index(j) + 1
        if len(dt) > k and j > dt[k]:
            tmp = dt[k]
            dt[k] = j
            dt[dt.index(j)] = tmp


dt = [7,5,9,6,2,4,1,3,8]
for a in dt do
        k = i + 1
        if !dt[k].nil? && v > dt[k]
            tmp = dt[k]
            dt[k] = v
            dt[i] = tmp

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