[Rails] How to connect to an external API using HTTP Client (I tried connecting to Qiita API)


Use gem's HTTP Client when connecting to an external API with rails. This time, as an example, I will connect to Qiita's API and get the article list.

Install HTTP Client


gem 'httpclient'


$ bundle install

Added to route.rb

The endpoint is / api / qiita.


Rails.application.routes.draw do 
  namespace :api do 
    get '/qiita' to: 'qiita#index'

Connect to Qiita API (Controller)

First, the most basic form. (Get request without header or query)


class Api::QiitaController < ApplicationController
  #Call HTTPClient
  require 'httpclient'

  def index
    url = "https://qiita.com/api/v2/items"  #Set URL
    client = HTTPClient.new                 #Create an instance
    response = client.get(url)              #Get request
    render json: JSON.parse(response.body)  #Parse and display the result in json

When you access http: // localhost: 3000 / api / qiita, a list of data will be returned in json like this. It's very hard to see because it's not shaped.

スクリーンショット 2020-09-27 13.39.51.png

Next is the case of specifying header or query.


class Api::QiitaController < ApplicationController
  #Call HTTPClient
  require 'httpclient'

  def index
    url = "https://qiita.com/api/v2/items"
    header = { Authorization: "Bearer xxxxx" } #Example)In the header"Bearer xxxxx"Grant
    query = { page: 1, per_page: 20 }          #Example)1st page, query to increase the number of data acquisitions per page to 20
    client = HTTPClient.new
    response = client.get(url, header: header, query: query) #Specify header and query
    render json: JSON.parse(response.body)

At the end

This time, I explained only get request, but HTTP Client can send other requests such as Post, so please check it.

For details of Qiita API, refer to the following. Qiita API v2 documentation - Qiita:Developer Overview of Qiita API v2 (unofficial)

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