[RUBY] Decompose "$ printf" install: --no-document \ nupdate: --no-document \ n ">> ~ / .gemrc" in Chapter 1 of the Rails Tutorial


About this that came out in Chapter 1 of the Rails tutorial

$ printf "install: --no-document \nupdate:  --no-document\n" >> ~/.gemrc

A little disassembled. I'm a beginner in programming, so I'll check what I'm interested in. By the way, this setting speeds up the installation of gems. Convenient ~


Wikipedia says

printf is a function declared in the standard C I / O header (stdio.h).

"install: --no-document \nupdate: --no-document\n"

Specify not to install the document normally.

Every time you install

gem install gem name--no-document

It's annoying to write


Add (create) to a file called .gemrc


Once upon a time

--no-ri --no-rdoc

Seems to have been used (when did you talk)

reference https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/Printf https://www.tmp1024.com/articles/gem-not-install-document

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