[RUBY] rails tutorial Chapter 5


I will post the process of advancing the rails tutorial on my own.

It touches on words that I didn't understand in the process, jammed errors, and so on.

Please point out any mistakes as it is an output of personal learning.

Since this is my first post, I think there are many places that are difficult to read, but please forgive me.

Chapter 5 Creating a layout

5.1.2 Bootstrap and custom CSS

It's a digression.

After introducing the Bootstrap CSS framework in Listing 5.6, I checked it in a browser. Then, the image of the cat was still displayed in the previous exercise (Exercise 3 in 5.1.1), so I tried to comment out with CTRL + /.

# <%= image_tag("kitten.jpg ", alt: "cat image") %>

When I checked it with a browser, the image of the cat was still displayed.

Apparently if you want to comment out erb

<%#= image_tag("kitten.jpg ", alt: "cat image") %>

And it seems that # is added after <%. (I was followed about this content in the next exercise)

5.4.2 URL for user registration

Exercise 1 If you haven't started the exercise in yet, start by modifying it as shown in Listing 5.41 so that you can use the named route signup_path. Also, make sure the test is green at this point, as the named route is now available in Listing 5.43. (rails tutorial Quoted from Chapter 5)

a problem occured!! I got an error in a test that should succeed.

ERROR["test_should_get_root", #<Minitest::Reporters::Suite:0x00000000091feba0 @name="StaticPagesControllerTest">, 0.5797893999842927]
 test_should_get_root#StaticPagesControllerTest (0.58s)
ActionView::Template::Error:         ActionView::Template::Error: Permission denied @ rb_file_s_rename - (C:/environment/sample_app/tmp/cache/assets/sprockets/v4.0.0/99/99m8UCKl4j8IpsVOK8ltLHyNh8Ae0nHw3GBkC34V_co.cache.47870560.18376.12839, C:/environment/sample_app/tmp/cache/assets/sprockets/v4.0.0/99/99m8UCKl4j8IpsVOK8ltLHyNh8Ae0nHw3GBkC34V_co.cache)

Huh? Similar error Like I encountered in Chapter 3 ... Articles referred to in Chapter 3 https://qiita.com/yasumichi/items/ccf1f7f57b6627034226

So again

> rails tmp:cache:clear
> rails assets:precompile

I entered this command and ran the test and it was successful.

At the end

I was able to finish this chapter without stumbling so much.

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