Create a BOT that can call images registered with Discord like pictograms

At first(?)

It seems convenient to be able to put out an image immediately like a LINE stamp. I made it because I thought

Finished product

1 First, register the image キャプチャ.PNG

2 Enclose the name used when registering in! In the message to be sent. Then the image is sent. キャプチャ2.PNG

To delete the registered image, do s! Del [name]


import discord
import re
import os
import glob

client = discord.Client()

async def on_ready():

async def on_message(message):

    word = re.compile("s!add (.+)").search(message.content)
    if word:
        wo =
        await"setting up...")
        picu = message.attachments[0].url
        file = str( + "/" + wo + ".txt"
        except FileExistsError:
        with open(file, mode='w') as f:
        await"Added a stamp.")

    wordd = re.compile("s!del (.+)").search(message.content)
    if wordd:
        woo =
        file = str( + "/" + woo + ".txt"
        if (os.path.exists(file)):
            await"The stamp has been deleted.")
            await"The stamp was not found.")

    pe = re.compile('s!list (.+)').search(message.content)
    if pe:
        casfo = glob.glob(str( + "/*")
        nopas = str(
        lis = []
        for file in casfo:  #File list
            prii = file.lstrip(nopas)
            pri = prii.rstrip(".txt")
            pr = pri.rstrip("/")
            p = pr.lstrip("\\")
        pa = int(
        no = len(lis)
        embed = discord.Embed(title="Stamp list", description=f"{str(pa)}Page page\n Number of stamps:{len(lis)}", color=0x4682b4)
        c = 0
        cc = 0
        if pa > 1:
            ccc = pa*10
            c = ccc - 10
        while True:
                naiy = lis[c]
                if pa == 1:
                    await"There is no stamp yet.")
                await"{str(pa)}There is no page yet")
            c = c + 1
            embed.add_field(name=str(c), value=naiy)
            if c == pa * 10:
            if c == len(lis):

    s = message.content
    if s.count("!") == 2:
        x = s.find("!")
        y = s.find("!", x+2)
        sta = s[x + 1 : y]
        if sta == None:
        pas = str( + "/" + sta + ".txt"
        if os.path.exists(pas) == False:
        with open(pas) as f:
            url =

#Because it is TOKEN for test, it can be leaked"NzA2MzQwNTMwMDE5MjM3OTQ0.Xq405w.pwRREjj-8N4MKph3QcV9NGb5EIM")

It's very long because I don't have the vocabulary (?) Of the chords.

How it works

When registering images, create a folder with the server ID and Just create a text file with the URL of the image in it with the name of the image. What happens when you send a stamp If there are two !, check the text between the two !. Then read the text file with the name of the text between! In the folder with that server ID. Send the URL of the image in it. Complete

Explanation of the most important thing in this program ↑ this ↓ The one who examines the text between the two!

s = message.content #Because it's long, put it in s
if s.count("!") == 2:
    x = s.find("!")
    y = s.find("!", x+2)
    sta = s[x + 1 : y]
    if sta == None:
    pas = str( + "/" + sta + ".txt"
    if os.path.exists(pas) == False:
    with open(pas) as f:
        url =

In the message! The part to look up the two and the name surrounded by them.

How it works: 1 First, if s.count ("!") == 2:, check if there are two! 2 Find the number of first! And second! Locations with x = s.find ("1") and y = s.find ("!", X + 2). 3 Examine the characters in the area surrounded by! At sta = s [x + 1: y] 4 Make sure it's not empty with if sta == None: 5 pas = str( + "/" + sta + ".txt" Is the path of the text file where the URL of the registered image is recorded 6 if os.path.exists(pas) == False: Check if the file with the path of 5 exists 7 with open(pas) as f: Read the contents of the text file with 5 paths and send it

At the end

I can't think of it the end

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