I was hooked for 2 minutes with the Python debugger pdb

Get hooked on pdb for 2 minutes

Are you using pdb? There are many good IDEs such as Pycharm, and there are various useful debugging modules, but I'm developing and debugging exclusively with vim and pdb.

If the scope is reasonably wide, single-letter variables are not very good, If you only have a few lines, you might store the return of requests in the variable name r (I often do).

I happened to want to debug around r = request.post (hogehoge) I was using pdb, but when I press r, it jumps to the function return for some reason.

Repeat it several times.

Yes. As you can see, pressing r on the pdb just runs the function to the end. I'm ashamed to say that I didn't know until now. ..

doc https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/pdb.html#pdbcommand-return


Read the documentation properly. There are various commands in pdb, which is convenient.

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