[Python] I was hooked for an hour trying to use list comprehensions


While studying Python, I was addicted to the list comprehension notation for an hour. I think it's because I thought Python functions were passed by reference. (Although I may have misunderstood "pass by reference")

If you compare the execution results, you can see what happened, I'm sure.

Addictive code and execution results

I created the opening function findDiff () to try to find out what's added and what's removed. But when I returned from the function, the elements of the list disappeared (looked like).

def findDiff(oldList, newList, adds, dels):
	adds = [x for x in newList if oldList.count(x) < 1]
	dels = [x for x in oldList if newList.count(x) < 1]

oldList = [1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9]
newList = [1,2,4,5,6,7,8,10]
adds = []
dels = []

findDiff(oldList, newList, adds, dels)

#>>> []
#>>> []
#>>> []
#>>> []

Modified code and execution result

Only the function findDiff () at the beginning is modified.

def findDiff(oldList, newList, adds, dels):
	for x in newList:
		if oldList.count(x) < 1:
	for x in oldList:
		if newList.count(x) < 1:

oldList = [1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9]
newList = [1,2,4,5,6,7,8,10]
adds = []
dels = []

findDiff(oldList, newList, adds, dels)

#>>> []
#>>> []
#>>> [4, 10]
#>>> [3, 9]

At the end

When I looked it up after writing the article, I already had the wisdom of my predecessors. .. ..

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