[DOCKER] Use nb extensions with Anaconda's Jupyter notebook


Many people use Jupyter notebook for data analysis, machine learning, optimization, and visualization. Also, it seems that more and more people are using anaconda to build a Python execution environment. An extension of Jupyter is nbextensions, but it seems that it is simply not available in the latest anaconda jupyter. This section describes how to use nbextensions with anaconda's jupyter.

Use Anaconda cloud

With the conda command, you can install packages that have been confirmed to work by continueum. Apart from that, there are community package sites that specialize in anaconda, such as PyPI. That is anaconda cloud. Using the packages provided by the predecessors of this site can make installations that are normally difficult to do very fast.

One way to use nbextensions with anaconda's jupyter is as follows:


conda install -y -c conda-forge jupyter_contrib_nbextensions

After installation, let's start jupyter notebook. You can use nbextensions as below.


You can also see the packages installed or updated by conda-forge with "conda list | grep conda-forge".

Quickly try with docker

I also prepared docker. You can easily try it as follows. Please refresh your browser after starting docker.


firefox http://localhost:8888 &
docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 tsutomu7/jupyter

Search on Anaconda cloud

The above method was investigated with the anaconda command of the anaconda cloud. If you do the following, some candidates will come out, so as a result of various trials, conda-forge seems to be good, so I am using it.


anaconda search nbextensions

that's all

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