Calculate mW <-> dBm in Python


Calculation formula that can convert mW <-> dBm with python

Advance preparation

Only math is used, so if Python is included, nothing in particular


#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import math

#mW ->Convert to dBm
def mw_to_dbm(value):
    return 10 * math.log10(value)

#dBm ->Convert to mW
def  dbm_to_mw(value):
    return math.pow(10, value/10)

# test_code
test_mw = 50 #mw
print str(mw_to_dbm(test_mw)) # => 16.9897000434

test_dbm = 16.9897000434 #mw
print str(dbm_to_mw(test_dbm)) # => 50.0000000005

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