I tried standalone deployment of play with fabric [AWS operation with boto] [Play deployment]

Automating play application deployment with fabric I operated Amazon EC2 and ELB in the fabric, so I would like to give you a brief introduction.

What is fabric?


What is Fabric:

-A tool that executes arbitrary Python functions via the command line. -A library of subroutines (built on top of a low-level library) Easily execute shell commands via SSH in a Python-like way.

It's hard to understand if it's an official document, By combining the two, you can automate the process to the remote server. Production deployment Manual work is too scary and troublesome, so let's automate it more and more.

For comparison with Capistrano, I referred to the following article. http://dekokun.github.io/posts/2013-05-21.html


○ The flow of deployment looks like this Source update ↓ Remove EC2 from ELB ↓ play stop ↓ Deploy with play ↓ play start ↓ Add EC2 to ELB ↓ End of deployment


Play framework 2.3.x activator 1.2.10 The OS to deploy to is Amazon Linux Fabric 1.8.1

fabric installation

centOS sudo yum -y install python python-devel python-setuptools gcc sudo easy_install pip sudo pip install fabric==1.8.1

Mac sudo easy_install fabric

What you want to know in advance

call local-> local shell command env-> env variable (global singleton), used for information sharing between tasks lcd-> local current directory specification execute-> execute task

Decorator @task-> Load as a valid task @runs_once-> Prevent wrapped functions from being executed multiple times

For the time being, I will put in a fabfile. Partially described below. fabfile

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from fabric.api import *
from fabric.decorators import runs_once
import boto.ec2.elb

env.hosts = ['localhost']
env.user = "username"

env.project_root = "path/to/project"
env.build_path = "target/universal/stage/bin/project_name"
env.config_path = env.project_root + '/conf/application.conf'
env.branch = 'master'

env.region = "ap-northeast-1"
env.elb_name = 'your_elb_name'
env.aws_access_key = 'your_aws_access_key'
env.aws_secret_key = 'your_aws_secret_key'

def build_play():
    """ activator clean stage"""
    with lcd(env.project_root):
        local("activator clean stage")

##activator activation system
def play_start():
    """Launch activator in production mode"""
    with lcd(env.project_root):
        local("%(bin)s -Dconfig.file=%(conf)s &" % {"bin":env.build_path, "conf":env.config_path})

def play_stop():
    """Kill a process running in production mode"""
    if local('ps -ef | grep "%(root)s/target/universal/stage" | grep -v grep | wc -l' % {"root":env.project_root}, capture=True) == "1":
        local("kill `cat %(root)s/target/universal/stage/RUNNING_PID`" % {"root":env.project_root})

def play_restart():
    """Reboot in production mode"""

##AWS ELB operation
def get_ec2_id():
    """Get instanceID for ec2"""
    env.ec2_id = local("curl", capture=True)

def conn_elb():
    env.conn_elb = boto.ec2.elb.connect_to_region(
        aws_access_key_id = env.aws_access_key,
        aws_secret_access_key = env.aws_secret_key)

def get_elb():
    env.elb = env.conn_elb.get_all_load_balancers(env.elb_name)[0]

def remove_ec2():
    """ ec2(myself)From ELB"""

def add_ec2():
    """ ec2(myself)To ELB"""

def update(branch=env.branch):
    """ env.Synchronize with branch. When specifying a branch-> fab update:branch=branch_name"""
    with lcd(env.project_root):
        local("git fetch")
        local("git reset --hard HEAD")
        local("git checkout " + branch)
        local("git pull")

def deploy(branch=env.branch):
    """Branch specification-> fab deploy:branch=branch_name"""

Play deploy

Start the play process in the background

def play_start():
    """Launch activator in production mode"""
    with lcd(env.project_root):
        local("%(bin)s -Dconfig.file=%(conf)s &" % {"bin":env.build_path, "conf":env.config_path})

play process stop

Delete the process using the RUNNING_PID file that manages the process in the play application.

def play_stop():
    """Kill a process running in production mode"""
    if local('ps -ef | grep "%(root)s/target/universal/stage" | grep -v grep | wc -l' % {"root":env.project_root}, capture=True) == "1":
        local("kill `cat %(root)s/target/universal/stage/RUNNING_PID`" % {"root":env.project_root})

ELB operation

boto I use a library called boto (AWS SDK for Python) to operate ELB from fabric. API document: http://boto.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ https://github.com/boto/boto

Import boto

import boto.ec2.elb

Connect to AWS and get an ELB named env.elb_name

def conn_elb():
    env.conn_elb = boto.ec2.elb.connect_to_region(
        aws_access_key_id = env.aws_access_key,
        aws_secret_access_key = env.aws_secret_key)

def get_elb():
    env.elb = env.conn_elb.get_all_load_balancers(env.elb_name)[0]

Get the instance ID of EC2 (yourself)

EC2 seems to be able to get various meta information of itself. Benri to know http://d.hatena.ne.jp/rx7/20100605/p1

Note that in the case of local, it will not be entered in the variable unless capture = True.

def get_ec2_id():
    """Get instanceID for ec2"""
    env.ec2_id = local("curl", capture=True)

Remove EC2 (yourself) from ELB

def remove_ec2():
    """ ec2(myself)From ELB"""

Attach EC2 (self) from ELB

def add_ec2():
    """ ec2(myself)To ELB"""


Execute the fab command in the current directory where the fabfile is installed. I think it can be placed in the project route or under / home / user.

The list with the @task decorator is displayed. $ fab --list スクリーンショット 2015-02-24 20.46.00.png

$ fab deploy

スクリーンショット 2015-02-24 20.55.23.png

スクリーンショット 2015-02-24 20.53.54.png

in conclusion

I touched both fabric and boto for the first time this time, but I thought that the benefits were high for the low learning cost. I also made a deploy version from the deploy server to the remote host, so when I have time, that too I would like to blog.

Thank you for reading until the end.

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