Write a script in Shell and Python to notify you in Slack when the process is finished


Frequently at work, data acquisition, processing, and analysis execution are processed in the Linux environment of the server. You can check if the process is finished with ps on the terminal, but it is troublesome to check each time. I want to take prompt action when processing is broken. A common method is to detect by POSTing a message via email or SNS. Communication in Slack is the mainstream in my workplace.


POST a message in Slack to determine if it's done.


It is assumed that you have already created a Slack account.


Apps & Integrations to POST messages to Slack

There seem to be various Apps & Integrations in Slack. This time, I will summarize the methods of POSTing messages by the following two methods that are often seen on the Internet. Personally, I like "Incoming Web Hooks" because it has fewer required items and shorter code.

name Easy features
Slack Web API You can do various things
Incoming WebHooks Easy channel posting

How to get a token

Very easy. Log in to slack on the WEB and follow the steps below.

name Acquisition method
Slack Web API Create tokenpush.
Incoming WebHooks Select Post to Channel and Add Incoming WebHooks Integrationpush.
・Webhook URLの横にトークンが表示される。

Try to POST the message

Try POSTing a message with Shell and Python

Slack Web API Click here for a list of API methods (https://api.slack.com/methods). This time I want to POST the message, so I use the "chat.postMessage" method.

Parameter list

The list of parameters is here. The required items are as follows.

Parameter name Description
token token
text Text to post
channel Channel name
Encoded ID for direct messages

This time, we will create a sample using "token", "text", "channel", "username", and "link_names".

※ Caution If you want to POST a message to channel, there is no problem with "# ", but if you want to POST with a direct message, if you use "@ ", it will be POSTed to slackbot. As a solution, you need to specify "encoded ID". For the "encode ID" of your slack direct message list, press "Test Method" at here to display the list. The "id" of the response corresponds to the "encoded ID".


TOKEN='<Obtained token>'
CHANNEL='<Channel name>'

# post
curl="curl -XPOST -d \"token=${TOKEN}\" \
    -d \"text=${TEXT}\" \
    -d \"channel=${CHANNEL}\" \
    -d \"username=${USERNAME}\" \
    -d \"link_names=${LINK_NAMES}\" \
eval ${curl}


#Library import
import requests

TOKEN='<Obtained token>'
CHANNEL='<Channel name>'

# post
post_json = {
    'token': TOKEN,
    'text': TEXT,
    'channel': CHANNEL,
    'username': USERNAME,
    'link_names': 1
requests.post(URL, data = post_json)

Incoming WebHooks Note that the POST method is slightly different from that of the Slack Web API.

Parameter list

The parameters are as follows. This time, create a sample using "text", "username", and "link_names".

Parameter name Required item Description
text Text to post
username Post username
icon_url URL in the profile image of the post
icon_emoji Emoji to put in the profile image of the post
link_names Mention
channel Channel name
attachments AttachmentsFill in the form


URL='<Obtained token>'

# post
curl="curl -X POST --data '{ \
    \"text\": \"${TEXT}\" \
    ,\"username\": \"${USERNAME}\" \
    ,\"link_names\" : ${LINK_NAMES}}' \
eval ${curl}


#Library import
import requests
import json

URL='<Obtained token>'

# post
post_json = {
    'text': TEXT,
    'username': USERNAME,
    'link_names': 1
requests.post(URL, data = json.dumps(post_json))


--The list of pictograms is listed here [http://qiita.com/koukun/items/ae673f2bae8f1525b6af)


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