[Rails carrier wave] How to not transition to the error screen even if the image upload is not selected


Allow params to be nil by using fetch method instead of require.


  def food_record_params
    params.fetch(:food_record, {}).permit(:image)

Technology used

Implemented image upload function using carrierwave.

gem 'carrierwave'

How to use carrierwave https://qiita.com/uchida0331/items/f99aba46fd1a6df9e753


On the image upload screen, if you press the registration button while the image is not selected, an event that transitions to the error screen occurs. スクリーンショット 2020-12-18 0.28.01.png

スクリーンショット 2020-12-18 0.26.10.png


As shown in the error log, if the parameter does not contain a value in the require method, an error will occur. This is because require is a method for throwing an exception when params does not contain a value.

Reference material

ruby2.7 reference https://docs.ruby-lang.org/ja/latest/method/Hash/i/fetch.html

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