[Python] Building an environment for competitive programming with Atom (input () can be used!) [Mac]

Python standard input required for competition pros in Atom input() There wasn't much information about building an environment that can be used ... So I will write an article! Maybe it will take less than 30 minutes to complete the work! Super easy! By the way, it's a Mac. I don't know if it can be done with Window!

python3 installation

Download from Official Site

Atom installation, initial settings

The following articles were helpful! [Building a test environment for competitive programming with atom / python](https://qiita.com/crukky/items/73c1322f5929b1ca5834#%E5%8F%82%E8%80%83%E8%B3%87%E6%96% 99)

Other things to do

Home directory (There are downloads and desktops in the same hierarchy) Create a folder called "python" in that folder

Create 2 files. Now you are ready.

The image looks like this ↓ スクリーンショット 2020-04-24 8.47.22.png

** (Added on 2020/05/05) ** The current template is different from the template in the image above I'm using sys.stdin.readline (). Rstrip () instead of ʻinput ()`. (Title scam w)

Terminal operation

You only need to know the following 5 commands / operations. clear Clear the terminal pwd You can check the location of the current folder cd python Move to the" python "folder created in your home directory python3 test.py <input.txt Run with python3 Keyboard up arrow button You can see the commands you have entered so far Once the environment is built All you have to do is select python3 test.py <input.txt with the keyboard up arrow button and press Enter!

Operation of Atom

** (Added on 2020/05/06) ** List of useful shortcuts ~

--Delete (cut) the entire line - command+x --Comment out the entire line (multiple lines are possible) - command+/ --When you want to change variable names at once - command+ctrl+g --Show / Hide Terminal --ctrl + (Backtick) (shift + @ on my keyboard)


By the way, if you want to hide the computer name and user name of the terminal, this was helpful! Erase the first computer name / user name in the Mac terminal

Please comment if you have any!


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