I tried pipenv and asdf for Python version control


When I created a Python project for the first time when copying the second part of the TDD book (*), I heard from my senior that "version control is possible with pipenv and asdf" and tried both for the time being, so I referred to the article Make a note. ※https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B077D2L69C/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1

Version control with pipenv

[Summary of Python development using Pipenv] https://qiita.com/y-tsutsu/items/54c10e0b2c6b565c887a ↑ About installation and operation of pipenv

Version control with asdf

[Manage various language versions with asdf] https://blog.shimar.me/2018/10/02/asdf.html ↑ About installation and operation of asdf

[Build each language environment on Linux (WSL) with asdf] https://qiita.com/kikuchi_kentaro/items/d951fa7ca7c9c29a77dc ↑ Link description related to asdf source

Currently, we are proceeding with using pipenv, but I would like to consider which one is better.

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