Use dein.vim and ckw-mod with Windows7 32bit PowerShell

table of contents

vim-KaoriYa --Pass the path to the downloaded and unzipped folder

--Create vi.bat and put it in the same folder so that it can be started even if you type "vi"


vim %*

dein.vim --Create .vimrc in your home directory, create'dein.toml','dein_lazy.toml' in'~ / .vim / rc /'

--The runtime path had to be an absolute path, and the relative path says "Unknown function dein # begin" etc. --"syntax on" is only reflected after setting dein.vim


set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set hlsearch
set ignorecase
set smartcase
set smartindent
set expandtab

nmap <Esc><Esc> :nohlsearch<CR><Esc>

let s:dein_dir = expand('~/.cache/dein')
let s:dein_repo_dir = s:dein_dir . '/repos/'

"set runtimepath+=~/.vim/dein/repos/  "This was no good
set runtimepath+=C:\Users\USERNAME\.cache\dein\repos\\Shougo\dein.vim  "Specified with an absolute path

if dein#load_state(s:dein_dir)
  call dein#begin(s:dein_dir)

  let g:rc_dir = expand('~/.vim/rc')
  let s:toml = g:rc_dir . '/dein.toml'
  let s:lazy_toml = g:rc_dir . '/dein_lazy.toml'

  call dein#load_toml(s:toml, {'lazy': 0})
  call dein#load_toml(s:lazy_toml, {'lazy': 1})

  call dein#end()
  call dein#save_state()

  if dein#check_install()
    call dein#install()

syntax on


repo = 'cespare/vim-toml'
on_ft = 'toml'

# python
repo = 'davidhalter/jedi-vim'
on_ft = 'python'
on_i = 1
hook_add = '''
  autocmd FileType python setlocal completeopt-=preview

repo = 'hynek/vim-python-pep8-indent'
on_ft = 'python'
on_i = 1

repo = 'andviro/flake8-vim'
on_ft = 'python'
on_i = 1

repo = 'scrooloose/syntastic'
on_ft = 'python'
hook_add = '''
  let g:syntastic_python_checkers = ['pyflakes', 'pep8']

repo = 'tell-k/vim-autopep8'
on_ft = 'python'

ckw-mod --Download, unzip, and set in "ckw-cfg" file --For reference:

I think you like the settings, but ... --If the value of "Ckw * transp" is reduced, it becomes transparent. -"!" Is commented out --If powershell.exe does not have a path, write it with an absolute path

All you have to do is start ckw.exe every time


Ckw*title: ckw[cmd]
Ckw*exec:  c:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
Ckw*chdir: c:\Users\USERNAME

Ckw*scrollHide:  no
Ckw*scrollRight: yes
Ckw*internalBorder: 1
Ckw*lineSpace: 0
Ckw*topmost: no
Ckw*transp: 200

Ckw*font: MeiryoKe_Console
Ckw*fontSize: 12

Ckw*geometry:  100x38+0+0
Ckw*saveLines: 10000

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