Change the Flyweight pattern to Pythonic (?) (3)

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Flyweight pattern using metaclass (subclass of type class)

Before the method using the metaclass, I will touch on the prerequisite type class. The type class is used when creating a class definition (= class object).


def methodA(self):

#Class name, parent class(Multiple specifications are possible), Namespace(Expressed by a dictionary, here'methodA'The methodA function is linked to)Takes as an argument
#Create a class object
ClassA = type('ClassA', (object,), {'methodA': methodA})
a = ClassA()

#Equivalent to the definition below
# class ClassA(object):
#     def methodA(self):
#        print('methodA')

As mentioned above, type is a class. Therefore, subclasses can be created. Subclasses can be used to create class objects instead of the type class, and you can add processing when creating class objects by overriding the __new__ and __init __ methods.


def methodA(self):

class Meta(type):
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, namespace):
        #You can insert additional processing when creating a class object
        return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, namespace)

#Meta class instead of type class(=A subclass of the type class)Can be used
ClassA = Meta('ClassA', (object,), {'methodA': methodA})
a = ClassA()

If you want to use something other than the type class when creating a class object in normal class definition syntax, use the metaclass keyword in Python3. The class specified at this time is called a metaclass.


class Meta(type):
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, namespace):
        #You can insert additional processing when creating a class object
        return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, namespace)

class ClassA(object, metaclass=Meta):
#Specifying the Python2 metaclass
#class ClassA(object):
#    __metaclass__ =Meta
    def methodA(self):

a = ClassA()

The following is an example of inserting the logic of the Flyweight pattern when creating a class object by using the property of the metaclass that "processing can be added when creating a class object".


class MetaFlyweight(type):
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, namespace):
        #type class__new__Method returns class object
        clsobj = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, namespace)

        clsobj._instances = {}
        def _get_instance(cls, *args, **kargs):
            instance = super(cls, cls).__new__(cls)
            return cls._instances.setdefault(
                    (args, tuple(kargs.items())), instance)
        #It works without making it a static method, but make it a static method according to the following description
        # (ref.)
        clsobj.__new__ = staticmethod(_get_instance)
        return clsobj

class Hoge(object, metaclass=MetaFlyweight):
#Specifying the Python2 metaclass
#class Hoge(object):
#    __metaclass__ = MetaFlyweight
    def __init__(self, args1, kwargs1='test1'):
        self.args1 = args1
        self.kwargs1 = kwargs1

class Piyo(object, metaclass=MetaFlyweight):
#Specifying the Python2 metaclass
#class Piyo(object):
#    __metaclass__ = MetaFlyweight
    def __init__(self, args1, kwargs1):
        self.args1 = args1
        self.kwargs1 = kwargs1

assert Hoge(1, kwargs1=2) is Hoge(1, kwargs1=2)
assert Hoge(1, kwargs1=2) is not Hoge(1, kwargs1=3)
assert Piyo('a', kwargs1='b') is Piyo('a', kwargs1='b')
assert Piyo('a', kwargs1='b') is not Piyo('a', kwargs1='c')
assert Hoge('a', kwargs1='b') is not Piyo('a', kwargs1='b')
assert Hoge('a', kwargs1='b') is not Piyo('a', kwargs1='b')

Flyweight pattern (function) using metaclass

However, it is not always necessary to generate a subclass of the type class. When creating a class object, the type class given the "class name (character string)", "parent class (tuple)", and "namespace (dictionary)" is called. However, what is needed here is not a type class (or subclass), but a" callable object that accepts the above three arguments ". Therefore, it is also possible to specify the function in the metaclass as follows.


def meta_flyweight(name, bases, namespace):
    clsobj = type(name, bases, namespace)

    clsobj._instances = {}
    def _get_instance(cls, *args, **kargs):
        instance = super(cls, cls).__new__(cls)
        return cls._instances.setdefault(
                (args, tuple(kargs.items())), instance)
    #It works without making it a static method, but make it a static method according to the following description
    # (ref.)
    clsobj.__new__ = staticmethod(_get_instance)
    return clsobj

class Hoge(object, metaclass=meta_flyweight):
#Specifying the Python2 metaclass
#class Hoge(object):
#    __metaclass__ = meta_flyweight
    def __init__(self, args1, kwargs1='test1'):
        self.args1 = args1
        self.kwargs1 = kwargs1

class Piyo(object, metaclass=meta_flyweight):
#Specifying the Python2 metaclass
#class Piyo(object):
#    __metaclass__ = meta_flyweight
    def __init__(self, args1, kwargs1):
        self.args1 = args1
        self.kwargs1 = kwargs1

assert Hoge(1, kwargs1=2) is Hoge(1, kwargs1=2)
assert Hoge(1, kwargs1=2) is not Hoge(1, kwargs1=3)
assert Piyo('a', kwargs1='b') is Piyo('a', kwargs1='b')
assert Piyo('a', kwargs1='b') is not Piyo('a', kwargs1='c')
assert Hoge('a', kwargs1='b') is not Piyo('a', kwargs1='b')
assert Hoge('a', kwargs1='b') is not Piyo('a', kwargs1='b')

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