[JAVA] Bridge Pattern

Separate the side that implements the method and the side that uses the method, and associate both with an instance of the implementation class
-The implementation side defines and embodies the method
- The user owns the implementation side instance in the field and uses the implementation side method via the instance </ font>

Design Pattarm MENU

Check with the following class structure

class Explanation
Mounting side abstract
class superSam
Define method
Mounting side sam.class Implemented superSam
User side useSam.class Use the method on the implementation side
  • User Includes the meaning that other developers use this pattern

Create a class below


abstract class superSam{
  String str;
  superSam(String str){this.str=str;}
  abstract void todo();


class sam extends superSam{
  sam(String str){super(str);}
  void todo(){System.out.println(super.str);}


class useSam{
  sam sam;
  useSam(sam sam){this.sam=sam;}
  void exec(){sam.todo();}


public static void main(String[] args){
  useSam use1 = new useSam (new sam("Hello java"));

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