[JAVA] Strategy pattern

What is the Strategy pattern?

Every program is written to solve a problem. And a specific algorithm is implemented to solve the problem. In the Strategy pattern, the part that implements the algorithm can be exchanged. A pattern that makes it easy to switch algorithms and solve the same problem differently.

The role of Strategy

The role that defines the interface for using the strategy.

package strategy;

public interface Strategy {
	//Decide what to do next
	public abstract Hand nexHand();
	//Learn if you won with the last hand
	public abstract void study(boolean win);

The role of Concrete Strategy

The role that actually implements the interface of the Strategy role. Here, the strategy (strategy, method, policy, algorithm) is actually programmed.

package strategy;

import java.util.Random;

public class WinningStrategy implements Strategy{
	private Random random;
	private boolean won = false;
	private Hand prevHand;

	public WinningStrategy(int seed) {
		random = new Random(seed);

	 *If you win last time, you will get the same move, and if you lose, you will randomly decide your move.
	public Hand nextHand() {
		if (!won) {
			prevHand = Hand.getHand(random.nextInt(3));
		return prevHand;

	public void study(boolean win) {
		won = win;
package strategy;

import java.util.Random;

public class ProbStrategy implements Strategy {
	private Random random;
	private int prevHandValue = 0;
	private int currentHandValue = 0;
	//Table for probability calculation that reflects past wins and losses
	//[The last hand][Hands to put out this time]
	private int[][] history = {

	public ProbStrategy(int seed) {
		random = new Random(seed);

	 *Calculate with probability from the value of history
	 *For example, history[0][0]The value of is 3, history[0][1]The value of is 5, history[0][2]If the value of is 7
	 *Goo, choki, par 3:5:Determine the next move as 7.
	 *0 or more and less than 15(15 is 3+5+Total value of 7)Get the random value of
	 *Goo if 0 or more and less than 3
	 *Choki if 3 or more and less than 8
	 *Par if 8 or more and less than 15
	public Hand nextHand() {
		int bet = random.nextInt(getSum(currentHandValue));
		int handValue = 0;
		if (bet < history[currentHandValue][0]) {
			handValue = 0;
		} else if (bet < history[currentHandValue][0] + history[currentHandValue][1]) {
			handValue = 1;
		} else {
			handValue = 2;

		prevHandValue = currentHandValue;
		currentHandValue = handValue;
		return Hand.getHand(handValue);

	private int getSum(int hv) {
		int sum = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
			sum += history[hv][i];
		return sum;

	 *Update the contents of the history field based on the win or loss of the hand returned by the nextHand method
	public void study(boolean win) {
		if (win) {
		} else {
			history[prevHandValue][(currentHandValue + 1) % 3]++;
			history[prevHandValue][(currentHandValue + 2) % 3]++;

The role of Context

A role that uses the Strategy role. I have an instance of the ConcreateStrategy role and use it as needed. It is the interface that plays the role of Strategy.

package strategy;

public class Player {
	private String name;
	private Strategy strategy;
	private int winCount;
	private int loseCount;
	private int gameCount;

	public Player(String name, Strategy strategy) {
		this.name = name;
		this.strategy = strategy;

	public Hand nextHand() {
		//It is your "strategy" that actually decides your next move
		return strategy.nextHand();

	public void win() {
		//Change the internal state of the strategy

	public void lose() {
		//Change the internal state of the strategy

	public void even() {

	public String toString() {
		return "[" + name + ":" + gameCount + " games, " + winCount + " win, " +
	loseCount + " lose" + "]";


package strategy;

public class Main {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		if (args.length != 2) {
			System.out.println("Usage: java Main randmeseed1 randomeseed2");
			System.out.println("Example: java Main 314 15");

		int seed1 = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
		int seed2 = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
		Player p1 = new Player("Jiro", new WinningStrategy(seed1));
		Player p2 = new Player("Taro", new ProbStrategy(seed2));
		for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
			Hand nexHand1 = p1.nextHand();
			Hand nexHand2 = p2.nextHand();
			if (nexHand1.isStrongerThan(nexHand2)) {
				System.out.println("Winner:" + p1);
			} else if (nexHand2.isStrongerThan(nexHand1)) {
				System.out.println("Winner:" + p2);
			} else {

		System.out.println("Total result:");


Execution result

スクリーンショット 2020-09-08 13.43.45.png


I used this as a reference. Augmented and Revised Introduction to Design Patterns Learned in Java Language

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