Put MeCab in "Windows 10; Python3.5 (64bit)"

Due to various circumstances, there was a need to install MeCab in the Windows environment. I managed to do it, but as you can see with a little google, an OS other than Windows is recommended. Since it was solved by combining multiple reference articles + α, keep a work log.

Execution environment

Download and install mecab-0.996.exe

Modification work of mecab-0.996.tar.gz

--Download from http://taku910.github.io/mecab/#download -[Build MeCab for 64-bit Windows (using Visual Studio 2015/2010)](http://www.ipentec.com/document/document.aspx?page=mecab-compile-for-x64-windows- use-x64-windows) as a reference --Go to the src directory

Modification of Makefile.msvc.in

--Copy Makefile.msvc.in ⇒ Rename to Makefile.msvc ――The 5th line


--Lines 7-8

-DVERSION="\"0.996\"" -DPACKAGE="\"mecab\"" \

Modification of feature_index.cpp

--Line 356

case 't':  os_ << (unsigned int)path->rnode->char_type; break;

Modification of writer.cpp

--Line 260

case 'L': *os << (unsigned int)lattice->size(); break;

Compile modified ones

--Launch VS2015 Native Tools Command Prompt -Go to the \ mecab-0.996 \ src directory


-Overwrite all 〇〇.exe and libmecab.dll in \ mecab-0.996 \ src to C: \ Program Files (x86) \ MeCab \ bin -Overwrite all 〇〇.lib in \ mecab-0.996 \ src to C: \ Program Files (x86) \ MeCab \ sdk --Add C: \ Program Files (x86) \ MeCab \ bin to your PATH

Working on Python modules

Rewrite setup.py

#!/usr/bin/env python

from distutils.core import setup,Extension,os
import string

def cmd1(str):
    return os.popen(str).readlines()[0][:-1]

def cmd2(str):
    return string.split (cmd1(str))

setup(name = "mecab-python",
	version = cmd1("mecab-config --version"),
	ext_modules = [
			include_dirs=cmd2("mecab-config --inc-dir"),
			library_dirs=cmd2("mecab-config --libs-only-L"),
			libraries=cmd2("mecab-config --libs-only-l"))

Added to mecab.h

--mecab.h is located in C: \ Program Files (x86) \ MeCab \ sdk

 * Lattice class

  virtual void set_result(const char *str)        = 0; //Add this one line

   * Clear all internal lattice data.
  virtual void clear()              = 0;


--Launch Anaconda Prompt --Go to C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 \ VC


--Move to the mecab-python-0.996 directory at the command prompt

python setup.py build
python setup.py install

Now import MeCab is finally working.

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