Python install in 2 lines @Windows

Command to execute

Open cmd as administrator and paste the following command

@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin

#Paste ↓ when ↑ processing is completed

choco install -y --execution-timeout=1000000 anaconda3

that's all!

The contents of the command are explained below.


Explanation of "command to execute"

The seeds are "chocolatey" and "anaconda". If you're already using chocolatey, you don't need the command on the first line. ** Since June 2016, you can install anaconda with chocolatey **, which is the reason why I wrote this article.

Line 1: chocolatey installation

@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin

Installation of package manager "chocolatey"

After installing it, on a command prompt opened with administrator privileges

chocolatey install <package name>

You can easily install the software with just this.

There are also many famous software such as Google chrome and iTunes.

Official → chocolatey

Chocolatey packages

More details → Notes on building an environment using Chocolatey

Line 2: Anaconda installation

choco install -y --execution-timeout=1000000 anaconda3

Install python distribution "anaconda" using chocolatey

What is anaconda ...

Official → anaconda3

Chocolatey Package Collection: Anaconda Page

More details → Python environment construction for those who aim to be a data scientist 2016


The -y option is synonymous with answering'yes' to all the questions chocolatey asks.

When it is troublesome to type y one by one, it is easier to specify it first so that you do not have to stick to the screen.

About timeout

If you do not specify the --execution-timeout option, you will get this error after downloading for about 30 minutes.

     --timeout, --execution-timeout=VALUE
     CommandExecutionTimeout (in seconds) - The time to allow a command to 
       finish before timing out. Overrides the default execution timeout in the 
       configuration of 2700 seconds.

The installer is too large and the default chocolatey time times out.

I've spent a lot of wasted time, so let's specify it in advance.

By the way, please note that it takes 1-2 hours from download to installation.

Package update

Updated all software managed by chocolatey

choco upgrade all -y

When updating a chocolatey package, choco upgrade <package name>

Specifying as ʻall` updates all packages installed by choco.

By the way, the choco update command is still available, but it seems to be abolished. (Warning comes out)

Updated all anaconda packages

conda update --prefix C:\tools\Anaconda3 --all 

When updating, conda update <package name>

When installed by chocolatey, it is not created in the home directory (under C: \ Users \ <UserName> or under C: \) like when installing with anaconda by default. Therefore, specify the location of anaconda with --prefix <path>.

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