API integration from Java with Jersey Client

Required maven

The following three are required


Not enough

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.glassfish.jersey.internal.l10n.LocalizableMessageFactory$ResourceBundleSupplier

I don't understand this error

Implementation: Works with POST

✩ I want to call the API of http: // localhost: 8080 / test / api1

public void excute(RequestData req) {
		String result = ClientBuilder.newClient()
				//URL with fixed cooperation destination
				//Where the path changes depending on the link destination
				//Where to decide whether to request in Xml format or JSON format
                //Specify this for xml → APPLICATION_XML_TYPE
				//Data plunge
                //Specify in what format to receive the response with MediaType This time JSON
				.post(Entity.entity(req, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), String.class);

		//Display response on standard output


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