Write a kernel density function

1 What you want to do

Generate a kernel density function with Jupyter and visualize it. Click here for a description of the kernel density function [https://www.ie-kau.net/entry/kernel_density_est)

2 code

The kernel density function seems to have a slightly different shape depending on whether the gaussian_kde function is used or the seabon kdeplot function is used.


from numpy.random import randn
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz #Library for integrating pdf in all intervals

#Give a dataset and generate a kernel density function. It also calculates the cumulative frequency of the kernel density function and
#Cumulative value down,Returns the X value that is up.

def pdf_kernel(dataset,down,up):


    d_kernel = gaussian_kde(dataset) #Generate a kernel density estimation function. Bandwidth is calculated automatically.

    #Specify the range to be integrated: d_min to d_Integrate in the range of max.
    d_xs = np.linspace(d_min, d_max, num=1000)

    #Kernel density function input(d_xs)And output(d_ys)Is defined.
    d_ys = d_kernel(d_xs)

    #Cumulative distribution function d_Integrate in the range of xs.
    d_integral = cumtrapz(d_ys, d_xs)

    #cdf(x) = 0.Find x that is 03. d_0 in the integral array.The number closest to 03 is calculated as the number in the array.
    idx_d= np.searchsorted(d_integral, down)

    #cdf(x) = 0.Find x that is 9. d_0 in the integral array.The number closest to 9 is calculated as the number in the array.
    idx_u = np.searchsorted(d_integral, up)

    #The graph is displayed.
    ax=plt.plot(d_xs, d_ys, label="KDE")
    plt.xlim(d_min-1, d_max+1) 

    #Cumulative value 5%Show range of
    plt.fill_between(d_xs[:idx_d], 0, d_ys[:idx_d], facecolor="r", alpha=0.5)

    #Cumulative value 90%Show range of
    plt.fill_between(d_xs[idx_u:], 0, d_ys[idx_u:], facecolor="r", alpha=0.5)

    #Legend displayed in the upper right
    plt.legend(loc="upper right")

    return pdf_val

#The main program starts from the following
dataset = randn(50) #Generate 50 random numbers that follow a uniform distribution

#Give a dataset and generate a kernel density function. It also calculates the cumulative frequency of the kernel density function and
#Cumulative value down,Returns the X value that is up.

#Write a kernel density function using seaborn.
sns.kdeplot(dataset,label="from seaborn")

Execution result </ b> #The range of cumulative value 0 to down (5% in the illustrated example) and the range of cumulative value up (90% in the illustrated example) to 100% are displayed. 69.JPG

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