[JAVA] Run a Spring Boot project in VS Code

I wanted to do Java mob programming using LiveShare of VS Code, so I looked it up.


Install Java Extension Pack plugin


Install Spring Boot Extension Pack plugin


Install the Lombok Annotations Support for VS Code plugin (if you use lombok)


Create a Spring Boot project

Do as per the gif image below https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=vscjava.vscode-spring-initializr

Launch the Spring Boot application

When you press F5, launch.json will be created, so set the port number for debugging. image.png

Press F5 again to launch the Spring Boot application image.png

Run the test

Open the test menu and right-click on the test target-> Run Test image.png image.png

Alternatively, press Run Test on the code image.png

The test result can be confirmed as follows image.png

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