[JAVA] Spring Boot: Restful API sample project

I tried to implement Restful API using Spring Boot. Source code: https://github.com/unhurried/spring-boot-rest-api


The libraries used are as follows.

How to launch the API in Eclipse

API request response

API to perform CRUD operation for ToDo resource is implemented.

# Create a ToDo item.
$ curl --request POST \
>  --url http://localhost:8080/example/api/todos \
>  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
>  --data '{"title":"Test","content":"This is a test.","date": "2018-06-01"}' \
>  --include

HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 71

{"id":1,"title":"Test","content":"This is a test.","date":"2018-06-01"}

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