[JAVA] Spring boot development-development environment-

This time, I decided to develop in an environment I have never experienced before. However, as an example, it is very common, so I think that we will develop while looking up information on the net. Since the environment has been created once, it is described as a memorandum up to that point.

Technology used


・ Win10 ・ Infrastructure: AWS (I will not write anything because I will not build AWS) ・ We plan to use the latest development tools as of July 2019.

Language: Java

I have been developing WEB systems using Java for about 3 years. Whereas it used to be SI, this time it is a WEB member site.

FW:Spring boot There is a little Spring, but boot is the first time! !!

DB:PostgreSQL DB is about 3 years for Oracle, less than 1 year for MySQL, and SQL Server and PostgreSQL have no practical experience The basics are okay, but I don't know the details.

Version control: Git

SVN all the time at work I'm touching it at home, but I can't use it very much (I can understand the terms a little)

Development environment: Eclipse

I often make near misses and get the results for the first time, but I think it's a common type in web development.

Development environment creation


Dropped from the site and decompressed directly under C Dora I am the latest version http://mergedoc.osdn.jp/ image.png

Add Git and Java EE from top right


Create a project from Package Explorer> Springboot Starter Project Older versions don't include Spring Boot by default, so you may have to get STS from the Eclipse Marketplace.


Select by dependency as shown in the image below (may change later)


PostgreSQL https://www.postgresql.jp/download

Download and install from here Set ID, password, DB name, etc.

Make a table by flowing DDL

Also edit the following files of the project and set the DB connection information


spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/DB name
spring.datasource.username=User ID

Git Create a suitable repository for your account on Github https://github.co.jp/

Right click on the project Team> Project Sharing> Git


Check ~ in the parent folder of the project and select the path below (do not check) Press Create Repository image.png

Copy the path of your Github repository from the clone download on the right of Github image.png

Go back to Eclipse and right click on your local repository from the top right Git tab Select Paste Repository Path or URI


Register the repository by doing the next

The environment creation is over here I'm still investigating and developing screen startup, but it will take a while to understand enough to explain to people

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