[JAVA] [Spring] Environment construction

IDE preparation

Download Java "Full Edition" from https://mergedoc.osdn.jp/. After that, unzip it to a suitable location and start it.

Project creation

Select "File-> New-> Other" image.png

Select "Spring Starter Project" image.png


If you have something to use, please select it accordingly. image.png


Since the above procedure uses the database, set the database.


spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost/{Database name}?serverTimezone=JST
spring.datasource.username={User name}

Application launch

Startup procedure

Right-click on the project → Execute → Spring Boot application image.png

Start confirmation

Open http: // localhost: 8080 / in your browser. The error is displayed on the surface as shown below, but there is no problem because it occurs because there is no controller etc. image.png

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