First draft: 2018/11/17
Create some kind of web service using spring used at the internship destination
After all, I think that environmental development is the most time-consuming and often discouraging (two losses), so I will leave as much material as possible.
macOS Mojave Version10.14
%brew --version
Homebrew 1.8.2
Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision 0998; last commit 2018-11-17)
Homebrew/homebrew-cask (git revision 11b48e; last commit 2018-11-16)
Basically, only the difference with the person here is described.
Because I am studying English, I will not translate it into Japanese for the time being.
% echo $JAVA_HOME
miyazakBookpuro% echo $M2_HOME
STS install I was a little confused because I changed from STS 3.9 to 4.0, but I installed SpringTool4 for Eclipse (By the way, it seems that brew does not have sts)
lombok setting (What should I use it for)
When executing lombok.jar, from Specify Location
Choose. (One loss)
encoding [Preference]->[General]->[Workspece]->Text file encoding check
[Preference]->[Java]->[Installed JREs] Make the selected JRE the same as JAVA_HOME (one loss) When it became java 10.0 and java 11.0, it changed from oracleJdk to openJdk, and there were two.
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