I have built an environment for Ruby on Rails, so I will record it.
[Building environment] ・ Rails6 ・ Ruby 2.6.3
[Machine specs] ・ MacOS Catalina -Version 10.15.3 ・ IMac (retina 4K, 21.5-inch, 2019) · Processor 3 GHz 6 core Intel Core i5 ・ Memory 8GB
[Editor used] VScode (https://azure.microsoft.com/ja-jp/products/visual-studio-code/)
You'll need your Apple ID here. If you have forgotten your Id / password, please prepare them in advance.
① Log in to Apple's developer account page https://developer.apple.com/account/#/welcome
② From See more downloads to the download list page https://developer.apple.com/download/more/
→ Download the Command Line Tools compatible with the OS.
① Go to the official website of Homebrew and paste the command described in "Terminal". (Homebrew official website) https://brew.sh/index_ja
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"
② Confirmation of Homebrew installation
I'm worried that the installation was successful, so I'll check it.
```brew -v```
* In my case, it was the following command.
#### **`Homebrew 2.2.17`**
Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision 572fc; last commit 2020-05-24)```
(1) Install so that you can manage the version of ruby.
brew install rbenv ruby-build
(2) After the installation is completed, please check with the following command.
rbenv -v
rbenv 1.1.2
## Ruby installation
From here, let's install Ruby.
* Ruby may already be installed depending on the user.
(1) Check if it is installed.
```ruby -v```
* In my case, it was the following command.
#### **`ruby 2.6.3p62 (2019-04-16 revision 67580) [universal.x86_64-darwin19]`**
I wanted to install it already, but if it doesn't seem to be installed, please install it below.
② If it is not installed Check the version of Ruby that can be installed with the following command.
rbenv install --list
If you can confirm, execute the following, The number specifies the version executed by "rbenv install --list"
rbenv install ●●●●
rbenv global ●●●●
rbenv rehash
ruby -v
I did "ruby -v" to check if the version is installed.
(1) Execute the following command to install.
gem install bundler
② Check.
bundle -v
① Install and start my SQL.
brew install mysql
② Check my SQL
mysql.server start
## Rails installation
① Let's create a directory
●, enter any file name.
```mkdir ~/●●●●●●●```
② Move to the created folder
```cd ~/workspace```
③ Create a Gemfile
```bundle init```
④ Edit / uncomment the contents of Gemfile
There is a "Gemfile" in the folder created with "mkdir ~ / ●●●●●●●".
Start it with your editor software.
In the file, ``` # gem" rails "``` is written as a memo, so please uncomment it.
⑤ Install Rails
```bundle install --path=vendor/bundle```
⑥ Check if Rails is installed
```bundle exec rails -v```
* In my case, it was the following command.
#### **`Rails`**
① Specify the file destination you want to create
cd desktop
② Create a new file with Rails ● is an arbitrary file name.
rails new ●●●●●
I got an error here !! The cause was "Error in Webpacker". Do the following:
① yarn is installed
brew install yarn
(2) Execute the following command.
But "yarn" is not installed!
Since it is said, execute the following command.
## Launch Rails
① Execute the command to launch the browser
Execute the following command
```rails s```
② Start the local server
→ It started up safely.
Was good!
# Reference article
[Ruby on Rails environment construction for Ruby beginners [Mac]](https://qiita.com/TAByasu/items/47c6cfbeeafad39eda07)
[Install Homebrew](https://qiita.com/zaburo/items/29fe23c1ceb6056109fd)
[Error in Rails6 Webpacker](https://qiita.com/libertyu/items/1eb74adc817ab8971100)
The reference article was very helpful.
Thank you very much.
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