[JAVA] IntelliJ installation + HelloWorld (mac)

A memorandum so as not to get lost even if there is a second time

reference How to use IntelliJ IDEA (from basic to advanced) that no one will tell you unexpectedly ・ Htps: // Quiita. This m / shu_chan_1005 / te ms / 46f94412f79493d6 eh 60 eh b

Premise jdk1.8 IntelliJ 2019.1

Download IntelliJ

Official site https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/

To use the free Community version, scroll to the bottom and select the DOWNLOAD on the right instead of the DOWNLOAD that appears at the top. (If you use the paid version of Ultimate, DOWNLOAD on the left side) スクリーンショット 2019-07-13 12.18.01.png

Start IntelliJ

スクリーンショット 2019-07-13 12.12.16.png

Project creation

Select Create New Project from the launched IntelliJ Confirm that the Project SDK is java, do not check Libraries and Frameworks and press Next スクリーンショット 2019-07-13 12.54.19.png

Check Create project from template, select Java Hello World, and click Next. スクリーンショット 2019-07-13 13.03.49.png

Enter any name in Project name and Project location (initial display is untitled) Press FInish スクリーンショット 2019-07-13 13.08.46.png

Hello World Select Close when Tip of the Day appears (Because it's today's trivia, read it when you have time) スクリーンショット 2019-07-13 14.09.48.png Try to run Select the execute button on the upper right スクリーンショット 2019-07-13 14.07.28.png Hello World! Is out It was good


I tried to touch it because the name is cool, but the speed at which the complement comes out is fast and it feels good Support for JS and Spring seems to be only for the Ultimate version, so for now, I will use it if I can afford it. It doesn't matter, but for the first time I learned that there is a run button on the Mac Touch Bar.

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