What I learned and coded for a function that opens a special Windows folder in Python3 ctypes

I learned the code for a function that opens a special Windows folder using ctypes in Python 3 and the process of writing it.

Open font folder

import os
import ctypes
from ctypes import oledll, wintypes

def getshellfolderpath(csidl: int) -> str:
    if not isinstance(csidl, int):
        raise TypeError
    SHGetFolderPathW = oledll.shell32.SHGetFolderPathW
    SHGetFolderPathW.argtypes = [
        wintypes.HWND, ctypes.c_int, wintypes.HANDLE,
        wintypes.DWORD, wintypes.LPWSTR]
    path = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(wintypes.MAX_PATH)
    SHGetFolderPathW(0, csidl, 0, 0, path)
    return path.value

CSIDL_FONTS = 0x0014

--In Python 3, you can use the standard library ctypes to work with the Win32 API. --General types of Win32 API (HWND, DWORD, etc.) are defined in ctypes.wintypes. --ctypes exports cdll, pydll, windll, ʻoledllfor loading the dynamically linked library.cdll and pydllare the cdecl calling convention, andwindll and ctypes.oledllare the stdcall calling convention.ctypes.oledll assumes a return value of HRESULT and throws ʻOSError on failure. Official documentation. --Create a WCHAR type buffer with the ctypes.create_unicode_buffer function. You can get the string with the return value value. Official documentation. --You can use the ʻos.startfile` function to open files / folders by association.

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