Building a CICD pipeline using Docker (personal memorandum)

Git settings

1.Create a repository with any name
2.public settings
3.Click "create repository"
4.User Setting
-#Do it in the app directory
% git config "user name"
% git config “github registration email”
-#Confirm that the set user name and email are registered.
% git config
% git config
5.Linking remote repositories
%git remote add origin repository URL.git
-#Confirmation of linking
% git remote -v

Push to repository

% git add .
% git commit -m ‘first commit’
% git push origin master

Check if the app can be pushed to the repository.

Register with Travis CI

1.Click Sign in in the upper right
3.「Authorize travis-Click "ci"
4.Enter information on Github
6.Click on any repository to sync
7.Click "Dashbord" at the top and make sure you have the selected repository in "Active repositories".

Create .travis.yml

-#Create in the app's home directory
% vim .travis.yaml


#Run with sudo privileges
sudo: required
#Declaration of use of docker
services: docker

#Start container
  - docker-compose up --build -d

  #DB preparation
  - docker-compose exec —env 'RAILS_ENV=test' web rails db:create
  - docker-compose exec —env 'RAILS_ENV=test' web rails db:migrate
  #Run the test
  - docker-compose exec —env 'RAILS_ENV=test' web rails test

You need to push the code to github to get Travi CI working.

docker-compose.description of yml
version: '3'
#docker volume Data is saved here

    build: .
      - '3000:3000'
      - '.:/product-register'
#Environment variable settings of the container, originally the password should not be written directly.
      - 'DATABASE_PASSWORD=postgres'
    tty: true
    stdin_open: true
#Created once the db service is created
      - db
#You can access db from the web
      - db
#postgres container
    image: postgres
#Host db-Store data in data
      - 'db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data'
      - 'POSTGRES_USER=postgres'
      - 'POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres'
#Required if you want to run postgres on other than localhost

push to git

% git add .
% git commit -m ‘update travis and compose’
% git push origin master

Here you can see the actual execution situation on the travis page.

Preparing for Heroku

1.log in
2.Click "create new app"
3.Enter any name in "APP name".
4.Click "Create app"
5.Click "Resources" when it is created.
6.「Add-Search for postgres with "ons". Select "Heroku Postgres"
7.Click "Provision".
8.Click "Settings", then click "Reveal Config Vars".
9.config/master.Enter the value of key in VALUE.
10.Enter "SECRET" for KEY_KEY_Enter "BASE".
11.Click "Add".
12.Click the "Deploy" tab.
13.Click on GitHub for "Deployment method"
14.Enter the name of the repository in "Connect to GitHub" and click "Search"
15.Click "Connet" in any repository
16.Wait for CI to pass before deploy in "Automatic deploys"(Deploy after passing CI)Check to.
17.Click "Enable Automatic Deploy"

Set the bottom of database.yml like this


# You can use this database configuration with:
  url: <%= ENV['DATABASE_URL'] %>
# production:
#   <<: *default
#   database: product-register_production
#   username: product-register

.travis.yml fix


#Run with sudo privileges
sudo: required
#Declaration of use of docker
services: docker

#Start container
  - docker-compose up --build -d
#Log in to Heroku's Docker registry
  - docker login -u "$HEROKU_USERNAME" -p "$HEROKU_API_KEY"

  #DB preparation
  - docker-compose exec --env 'RAILS_ENV=test' web rails db:create
  - docker-compose exec --env 'RAILS_ENV=test' web rails db:migrate
  #Run the test
  - docker-compose exec --env 'RAILS_ENV=test' web rails test

  provider: script
    docker build -t$HEROKU_API_NAME/web -f .;
    docker push$HEROKU_API_NAME/web;
    heroku run --app $HEROKU_API_NAME rails db:migrate;
    branch: master

If you add a comment out, you will see problems, so it is better not to add it as much as possible.

Set environment variables in Travis CI

-# Heroku-install cli
% brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku
-#Get Token
% heroku authorizations:create
  1. Open Travis CI and open the repository.
  2. Click "Settings" under "More options"
  3. Enter "HEROKU_USERNAME" in the NAME of "Environment Variables" and "_" in the VALUE. Click "Add". In the same way, enter "HEROKU_API_KEY" in NAME, enter the Token in VALUE, and click "Add". Also, enter the heroku repository name in "HEROKU_API_NAME".

Set environment variables on Heroku

  1. Open Heroku and click on any app
  2. Click the Settings tab and click Reveal Config Vars.
  3. Set "DATABASE_PASSWORD = postgres" of the db service environment set in docker-compose.yml as DATABASE_PASSWORD as KEY and postgres as VALUE, and click "Add".

Create (for production environment)

% vim

FROM ruby:2.5
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
    build-essential \
    libpq-dev \
    nodejs \
    postgresql-client \
WORKDIR /product-register
COPY Gemfile Gemfile.lock /product-register/
RUN bundle install
#Move all the code in the current directory to the container
COPY . .
#Start rails server
CMD [ "rails", "s"]
% git add .
% git commit -m ’add deploy code’
% git push origin master

Actual development flow

  1. Create a branch% git checkout -b hoge
  2. Do the work
  3. Add the modified file add% git add.
  4. Commit your changes% git commit -m ‘message’
  5. Push% git push origin huge on the branch (Travis CI works)
  6. Creating a pull request
  7. Merge pull request (after Travis CI is complete)
  8. Travis CI works
  9. Deployed to Heroku.

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