How to run a mock server on Swagger-ui using stoplight/prism (using AWS/EC2/Docker)


  1. AWS/EC2 instance has been created ・ SSH connection is possible
  2. nginx installed on EC2
  3. Swagger-ui is available (using Docker)
  4. Loaded any yaml file into swagger-ui

Those who have not yet 1 -[Create AWS/EC2 instance] 1 Those who have not yet 2 ・ [Nginx settings] 2 Those who have not yet 3 ・ [Swagger-ui settings] 3 Those who have not yet 4 -[Settings to make swagger-ui read arbitrary files] 4

Please refer to the above and meet all the prerequisites first.

1. SSH to your EC2 instance


ssh -i keypair_hogehoge.pem ec2-user@******


If you see an image like the one above, then ** SSH connection is successful **.

2. Pull docker image

Pull the docker image of [stoplight/prism] 5 after SSH connection


sudo docker pull stoplight/prism:3

スクリーンショット 2020-12-12 10.35.31.png

If it looks like the above image, the pull is successful.

3. Set up mock server routing in nginx.conf

Open nginx.conf

sudo vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Add to nginx.conf

server {
        listen       80;
        listen       [::]:80;
        server_name  _;

        # Load configuration files for the default server block.
        include /etc/nginx/default.d/*.conf;

     //swagger-editor settings
        location /swagger-editor/docker/ {
          proxy_pass http://localhost:8000/;
          proxy_redirect off;
     //swagger-ui settings
        location /swagger-ui/docker/ {
          proxy_pass http://localhost:8001/;
          proxy_redirect off;

     //Mock server settings(This time set this)
        location /swagger-mock/docker/ {
          proxy_pass http://localhost:4010/;
          proxy_redirect off;

4. Add the mock server to the yaml file

This time, we will use the yaml file set in [here] 4. Then add a mock server under ** servers **.

  - url:
  //Settings for mock server
  - url: http://IP address of the EC2 instance/swagger-mock/docker/

Please change the part of ** IP address of EC2 instance ** to an appropriate value.

5. Start the mock server

You must specify ** any yaml file ** when starting the mock server.

This setting Container name: prism Directory where yaml files are stored:/home/ec2-user/www yaml file: pet.yaml


sudo docker run --name prism -it -p 4010:4010 -v /home/ec2-user/www:/tmp stoplight/prism:3 mock -h /tmp/pet.yaml

Container name specification (optional)


--name hogehoge

yaml file specification (required)


mock -h /tmp/pokemon.yaml

If it is displayed in the terminal as shown below, it is OK.

[ec2-user@ip-00-0-0-00 ~]$ sudo docker run --name prism -it -p 4010:4010 -v /home/ec2-user/www:/tmp stoplight/prism:3 mock -h /tmp/pet.yaml
[3:37:33 AM] › [CLI] …  awaiting  Starting Prism…
[3:37:34 AM] › [CLI] ℹ  info      GET
[3:37:34 AM] › [CLI] ▶  start     Prism is listening on

6. Access swagger-ui and try the mock server

6a. Select a mock server

Go to swagger-ui and select the right server

スクリーンショット 2020-12-19 13.28.35.png

6b. Open the URL tab and press the [Try it out] button

スクリーンショット 2020-12-19 13.36.32.png

6c. Press the [execute] button

Screenshot 2020-12-19 14.43.02.png

6d. Check the result

If the success response set in the yaml file is displayed as a result as shown below, it is OK

スクリーンショット 2020-12-19 14.56.11.png

You should also see something like the following in your terminal.

[5:55:41 AM] › [HTTP SERVER] get /pets ℹ  info      Request received
[5:55:41 AM] ›     [NEGOTIATOR] ℹ  info      Request contains an accept header: application/json
[5:55:41 AM] ›     [VALIDATOR] ✔  success   The request passed the validation rules. Looking for the best response
[5:55:41 AM] ›     [NEGOTIATOR] ✔  success   Found a compatible content for application/json
[5:55:41 AM] ›     [NEGOTIATOR] ✔  success   Responding with the requested status code 200

Other settings

How to run a mock server in the background

If you don't need to check the result of [Try it out] → [Excute] on the terminal, you can run the mock server in the background.

Foreground ver

sudo docker run --name prism -it -p 4010:4010 -v /home/ec2-user/www:/tmp stoplight/prism:3 mock -h /tmp/pokemon.yaml

Background ver

sudo docker run --name prism -it -d -p 4010:4010 -v /home/ec2-user/www:/tmp stoplight/prism:3 mock -h /tmp/pet.yaml

With this option, each container can be started in the background.

Error handling

docker: Error response from daemon: Conflict. The container name "/prism" is already in use by container "768393267a3839c7db21028daeb8f5a39b67766f994615de3e068ea7f819c500". You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name.

If you get the above error after entering the ** docker run ** command, it is because the container name is covered. Enter the command below to delete the container.

sudo docker rm arbitrary container name

Don't forget to stop the container before deleting it.

sudo docker stop Arbitrary container name


The above is how to build a mock server using [stoplight/prism] 5.

If you have any questions or questions, please leave them in the comments section.

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