[Ruby on Rails] undefined method ʻid'for nil: NilClass error resolution method

"undefined method ʻid'for nil: NilClass" error

スクリーンショット 2020-05-20 19.33.13.png

If you get an error such as NoMethodError undefined method ʻid'for nil: NilClass error even though you haven't made a mistake, what could be the cause? I got an error saying that the method wasn't defined ... why did I get an error like this when I defined it properly ...

This implementation is used when the logged-in user can see his information but does not want to show it to other users.

<% if @user.id == current_user.id %>

 You realize that you are wondering why this happened even though the code you implemented was correct!

#### I wasn't logged in!

 It is natural because it is a process that does not work unless you are logged in ^ _ ^;
 After logging in and checking again, the error was successfully resolved!


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