Make a simple pixel art generator with Flask

Completed form

It looks like the following. スクリーンショット 2020-11-21 7.03.51.png


--Randomly generated pixel art is displayed on the top screen --When you press the "Random generation" button, a dot picture is displayed at random. -Pixel art is not an image but is composed of the characters "■ (square)" --The technology to convert characters to images is not implemented --Place Twitter share button

How I decided to make it

――I'm studying Flask, so I wanted to make a simple deliverable. ――My hobby is to draw the following pixel art, so I wanted to make a tool that can be generated automatically. スクリーンショット 2020-11-21 7.14.34.png

Language, framework, etc.

file organization

Mechanism (code)

It's simple.


def dot_gene():
    numbers = [[random.randrange(4) for i in range(8)] for j in range(8)]
    return render_template("index.html", numbers = numbers)

First, create a double loop function in @ app.route ('/'). This time I will make 8x8 dots, but to decide whether the color of each dot is white or black, Generates a random number from 0 to 3. For example, it looks like this


Next, process it in index.html.

# index.html
{% extends "layout.html" %}
      {% block content %}
        <h1>Pixel art generator</h1>
        <div class="spaces">
          {% for number in numbers %}
            {% for num in number %}
                {% if num == 0 %}
                  <font color="#000000">■</font>
                {% elif num == 1%}
                  <font color="#ededed">■</font>
                {% elif num == 2%}
                  <font color="#ededed">■</font>
                {% else %}
                  <font color="#ededed">■</font>
                {% endif %}
              {% endfor %}
          {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}

~~ I'm very sorry that the code is very dirty ~~ Associate the created double loop number with "■", white or black. This time, only when the number is 0, it is converted to black, and when the number is not, it is converted to white (like) color. スクリーンショット 2020-11-21 8.22.10.png Then, such a dot picture will be displayed.

Improvement points

--The pixel art is slightly broken when displayed on a smartphone. --I want to be able to convert the generated pixel art into an image and save it. ――I want to generate more pixel art like pixel art smartphone.png


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