Let's make a WEB application for phone book with flask Part 2

Try to make a WEB application for phone book with flask Part 1 (Connection with SQLITE, displayed in Flask) Try to make a WEB application for phone book with flask Part 2 (How to handle POST and GET in Flask) Try to make a WEB application for phone book with flask Part 3 (Add registration form) Try to make a web application for phone book with flask Part 4 (Add search form)

Until last time

Since I was able to implement the display part of the WEB application for the phone book, I thought about creating the registration part next, but I stumbled before that, so I will write it here for organization.

First of all, about POST and GET

It seems that GET is displayed in the part displayed by Alt + D, and POST is to receive data in an invisible state other than that. This time I will try the method of receiving by POST.

How to receive POST in Flask

Tutorial was easy to understand.

I chewed the jammed part and made it like this.

First, create an input screen for POST.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
      <meta charset = "utf-8">
    <form action = "{{url_for("add_ent")}}" method = "POST">
      <input name = "Name" placeholder="name">
      <input type ="submit" value = "Send">

【point】 You can choose the function to execute with {{url_for ("function in app"}}. Here is the instruction to execute the add_ent function in POST.

Next, write the minimum app.


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*_

from flask import Flask,request,render_template,redirect,url_for

app = Flask(__name__)

def hello():
    return render_template("form_test.html")

@app.route("/add_entry" ,methods = ["POST"])

def add_ent():

        return redirect(url_for("hello"))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app.run(debug = True)

【point】 Please execute the add_ent function in HTML, so define the add_ent function. When you execute the add_ent function from the HTML side, you will be automatically redirected to localhost: 5000 / add. It seems that routing to the add directory is needed to receive the POST method.

Run formtest.py and 2017-05-12_103736.jpg


If the text sent to the terminal is displayed, it is successful.


I finally understood this. There are too many spells.

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