Let's make a nervous breakdown application with Vue.js and Django-Rest-Framework [Part 3] ~ Implementation of nervous breakdown ~

<< Part 2 | Part 4 >>

Prepare an image of playing cards.

Get an image of playing cards from "Irasutoya" by scraping

See here What a mess, please download 54 by hand or code with vue.

Let's display 52 playing cards. (Without Joker)


    <span v-for="(card, index) in cards" :key="index">

export default {
  name: 'TopPage',
  data: function () {
    return {
      cards: [],
  methods: {
    setCardImage: function(type) {
      for (let i = 1; i < 14; i++) {
        let number = ('00' + i).slice(-2)
        this.cards.push(require('@/assets/images/card_' + type + '_' + number + '.png'))
  mounted () {


Shuffle playing cards



export default {
  methods: {
    //add to
    shuffle: function () {
      for (let i = this.cards.length - 1; i > 0; i--){
        let r = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
        let tmp = this.cards[i];
        this.cards[i] = this.cards[r];
        this.cards[r] = tmp;
  mounted () {
    this.shuffle(); //add to

It is now shuffled. image.png

Add front and back options to the card


    <span v-for="(card, index) in cards" :key="index">
      <!--Set the URL of the image with style binding-->
        v-bind:src="card.isOpen ? card.cardInfo.front : card.cardInfo.back"

export default {
  methods: {
    //Edit this method
    setCardImage: function(type) {
      for (let i = 1; i < 14; i++) {
        let number = ("00" + i).slice(-2);
        let card = {
          isOpen: false, //The initial state should be displayed on the back.
          cardInfo: {
            number: i,
            front: require(`@/assets/images/card_${type}_${number}.png`), //table
            back: require("@/assets/images/card_back.png ") //back
  mounted () {


Make it possible to display the card face up by clicking the image.


    <span v-for="(card, index) in cards" :key="index">
      <!--Give a click event and set the added method-->
        v-bind:src="card.isOpen ? card.cardInfo.front : card.cardInfo.back"

export default {
  methods: {
    //Add this method
    open: function(index) {
      //Turn the card face up
      this.cards[index].isOpen = true;
  mounted () {


Implementing nervous breakdown

Make sure all the cards are turned face down when you flip two cards



let openCountByPlayer = 0; //How many cards the player turned over

export default {
  methods: {
    //Edit this method
    open: function(index) {
      //Do not turn over two or more
      if (openCountByPlayer + 1 > 2) return;

      //Turn the card face up
      this.cards[index].isOpen = true;


      if (openCountByPlayer == 2) {
        //Make sure the card is face down when you flip two cards
    //Add this method
    reset: function() {
      setTimeout(() => {
        this.cards.forEach((card, index) => {
          if (card.isOpen) {
            this.cards[index].isOpen = false;
        openCountByPlayer = 0;
      }, 2000);

If the two flipped numbers match, leave them face up


    <span v-for="(card, index) in cards" :key="index">
      <!--Cards already acquired(isGet != null)Make it face up.-->
        v-bind:src="(card.isOpen || card.isGet != null) ? card.cardInfo.front : card.cardInfo.back"

let openCountByPlayer = 0; //How many cards the player turned over
const PLAYER = "player";
const COMPUTER = "computer";

export default {
  methods: {
    //Edit this method
    setCardImage: function(type) {
      for (let i = 1; i < 14; i++) {
        let number = ("00" + i).slice(-2);
        let card = {
          isOpen: false,
          isGet: null, //Added isGet property
          cardInfo: {
            number: i,
            front: require(`@/assets/images/card_${type}_${number}.png`),
            back: require("@/assets/images/card_back.png ")
    //Edit this method
    open: function(index) {
      //Do not turn over two or more
      if (openCountByPlayer + 1 > 2) return;

      //Turn the card face up
      this.cards[index].isOpen = true;


      if (openCountByPlayer == 2) {

        //Make sure the card is face down when you flip two cards
    //Edit this method
    reset: function() {
      setTimeout(() => {
        //Turn all cards other than the one you have acquired face down
        this.cards.forEach((card, index) => {
          if (card.isOpen && card.isGet == null) {
            this.cards[index].isOpen = false;
        openCountByPlayer = 0;
      }, 2000);
    isNumbersMatch: function() {
      //Get a face-up image (cards that already match the numbers (isGet)!=null) is excluded)
      let openCards = [];
      this.cards.forEach((card, index) => {
        if (card.isOpen && card.isGet == null) {
          openCards.push({ index, card });

      //Get if the numbers match
      let firstCard = openCards[0];
      let secondCard = openCards[1];
      if (firstCard.card.cardInfo.number == secondCard.card.cardInfo.number) {
        this.cards[firstCard.index].isGet = PLAYER;
        this.cards[secondCard.index].isGet = PLAYER;

Display the number of acquired pairs


      <!--Use the added calculated property-->
      <v-row no-gutters>
        <v-col>Number of pairs you got:{{ getPlayerPairs }}set</v-col>

      <v-divider class="mb-4"></v-divider>


let openCountByPlayer = 0; //How many cards the player turned over
const PLAYER = "player";
const COMPUTER = "computer";

export default {
  //Added calculated property
  computed: {
    getPlayerPairs: function() {
      if (!this.cards || this.cards.length === 0) return;

      return (
        this.cards.filter(card => { return card.isGet === PLAYER; }).length / 2


<< Part 2 | Part 4 >>

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