Make a given number of seconds into hours, minutes and seconds

def convert_seconds(ms):
    float_num = False
    if type(ms) == float:
        float_nums = ms - int(ms)
        ms = int(ms)
        float_num = True
    hour = ms / 3600
    minute = (ms - hour * 3600) / 60
    if float_num:
        second = ms - (hour * 3600 + minute * 60) + float_nums
        second = ms - (hour * 3600 + minute * 60)
    format_hour = "hour"
    format_minute = "minute"
    format_second = "second"
    if hour > 1 or hour == 0:
        format_hour = "hour" + "s"
    if minute > 1 or minute == 0:
        format_minute = "minute" + "s"
    if second > 1 or second == 0:
        format_second = "second" + "s"
    result = (str(hour) + " " + format_hour, str(minute) + " " + format_minute, str(second) + " " + format_second)
    return result[0] + ", " + result[1] + ", " + result[2]

print convert_seconds(3600)
#>>> 1 hour, 1 minute, 1 second

print convert_seconds(7325)
#>>> 2 hours, 2 minutes, 5 seconds

print convert_seconds(7261.7)
#>>> 2 hours, 1 minute, 1.7 seconds

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