Install Mecab and CaboCha on ubuntu16.04LTS so that it can be used from python3 series


I found a library called cabocha that can perform dependency analysis, so I tried to play with it for the time being, but if I started touching it with a light feeling, I had a hard time even installing it ... For the time being, I would like to write that I could do this in my environment.


Main subject

Download MeCab and dictionary data

Execute the following command in the terminal

$ sudo apt-get -y install mecab libmecab-dev mecab-ipadic-utf8 mecab-jumandic-utf8

Binding of MeCab to python

pip3 install mecab-python3

It seems better to do this just in case

Download CRF ++

Here Download the latest version from (.tar). Currently it was ver. 0.58. Unzip in a suitable directory. Move.

$ tar zxvf CRF++-0.58.tar.gz
$ cd CRF++-0.58

Fixed because there is a bug

$ vim node.cpp
#include <time.h>(Addition)

Save, close and install

$ ./configure
$ sudo make
$ sudo make install

Download CaboCha

Download from here. However, the latest version (cabocha-0.69.tar.bz2) failed. There is no choice but to download cabocha-0.60.tar.gz. Unzip in a suitable directory. Move.

$ tar xzvf cabocha-0.60.tar.gz
$ cd cabocha-0.60

Fixed because there is a bug

$ sudo vim /etc/
include /usr/local/bin      (Postscript)


sudo /sbin/ldconfig

Another fix

$ vim src/utils.cpp


void Unlink(const char *filename) {
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
  ::remove(filename);   //Postscript

Save, close and install

$ ./configure --with-mecab-config=`which mecab-config` --with-charset=utf8
$ sudo make clean
$ sudo make
$ sudo make install
$ sudo /sbin/ldconfig

Try running cabocha

$ cabocha
$ (Favorite sentences)

Binding to python3 series

$ sudo apt-get install swig python3-dev
$ cd cabocha-0.60
$ swig -python -shadow -c++ swig/CaboCha.i
$ mv swig/ python/
$ mv swig/CaboCha_wrap.cxx python/

Rewritten to support python3 series

$ cd python
$ vim

def cmd2(str):
    #return string.split (cmd1(str))Delete
    return cmd1(str).split()   #Postscript

Save, close and run

$ sudo python3 build_ext
$ sudo python3 install
$ sudo /sbin/ldconfig
$ python3
$ import CaboCha

OK if no error occurs. This completes the installation. Please play appropriately.

in conclusion

Thank you for your hard work. It feels like I touched it lightly, and the accuracy is quite good, and it took some time to install it, but there seems to be a merit worth it. I would like to write a separate article about the results of playing around with it. Let's have a good natural language processing life!


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