Django + MongoDB development environment maintenance (in the middle of writing)



Create virtualenv

mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 [Project name]

Django + MongoDB installation

pip install git+
pip install git+ 
pip install git+

py.test installation

pip instal py.test
pip install django_pytest

Project creation

cd [dev directory]
workon [Project name] startproject [Project name]

Directory structure

cd [Project root]
#For application placement
mkdir apps
touch apps/
#Test data, etc.
mkdir fixtures
#Internationalized po/mo file storage
mkdir -p local/ja/LC_MESSAGES
mkdir -p local/en/LC_MESSAGES

# Put project-specific requirements here.
# See for more information.
mkdir requirements

# This directory is used to store static assets for 
# your project. User media files (FileFields/ImageFields) are not stored here.
mkdir static
mkdir static/img
mkdir static/js
mkdir static/css

#Template storage
mkdir templates

#Document storage
mkdir docs

Application creation

cd [Project root]/apps
#For model placement startapp models

GitHub registration

cd [Project root]
git config --global  "User name"
git config --global  "mail address"
git init
git add *.py
git add app
git commit -m 'first commit'
git remote add origin [email protected]:USER_ID/REPO_NAME.git
git push -u origin master

Preparing MongoDB

Server settings

Creating directories and settings

mkdir -p environment/dev/var/mongodb
mkdir -p environment/dev/etc

#Create configuration file
cat <<EOF >> environment/dev/etc/mongod.conf
heredoc> # Store data
heredoc> dbpath = [Project root]/environment/dev/var/mongodb
heredoc> # Only accept local connections
heredoc> bind_ip =
heredoc> EOF

#Prevent development DB from entering git
cat << EOF >> environment/dev/var/mongodb/README
heredoc>Development MongoDB data storage
heredoc> EOF

cat << EOF >> environment/dev/var/mongodb/.gitignore
heredoc> /*
heredoc> /.*
heredoc> !README
heredoc> !.gitignore
heredoc> EOF

Server startup

mongod run --config environment/dev/etc/mongod.conf

Server initialization

> use [DB name]
> db.addUser('[DB username]', '[DB password]')

Change DB settings in

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django_mongodb_engine', # Add 'postgresql_psycopg2', 'postgresql', 'mysql', 'sqlite3' or 'oracle'.
        'NAME': '[DB name]',                      # Or path to database file if using sqlite3.
        'USER': '[DB username]',                      # Not used with sqlite3.
        'PASSWORD': '[DB password]',                  # Not used with sqlite3.
        'HOST': 'localhost',                      # Set to empty string for localhost. Not used with sqlite3.
        'PORT': 27017,                      # Set to empty string for default. Not used with sqlite3.

** If USER and PASSWORD are set, a login error to the DB will occur in python test. Therefore, it seems better to set USER ='' and PASSWORD ='' in the development environment. ** **


python syncdb

If you get a SITE_ID error

In MongoDB, the ID must be ObjectID, but Django's SITE_ID is 1 by default, so the following error occurs.

bson.errors.InvalidId: AutoField (default primary key) values must be strings representing an ObjectId on MongoDB (got u'1' instead). Please make sure your SITE_ID contains a valid ObjectId string. Then, you should get the ID to be set in SITE_ID with python tellsite id, but at this point, there is no record in django_site, so I can't get it.

Therefore, you can create the site manually as follows.

python shell

>>> from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
>>> s = Site()
>>> quit()

python tellsiteid

Set the SITE_ID you got with this in


I thought, but in the end I couldn't prevent this error from appearing during test.

The cause is django / contrib / sites / Here, pk = 1 is forcibly inserted when creating the Site.


def create_default_site(app, created_models, verbosity, db, **kwargs):
    # Only create the default sites in databases where Django created the table
    if Site in created_models and router.allow_syncdb(db, Site) :
        if verbosity >= 2:
            print "Creating Site object"
        # The default settings set SITE_ID = 1, and some tests in Django's test
        # suite rely on this value. However, if database sequences are reused
        # (e.g. in the test suite after flush/syncdb), it isn't guaranteed that
        # the next id will be 1, so we coerce it. See #15573 and #16353. This
        # can also crop up outside of tests - see #15346.
        s = Site(pk=1, domain="", name="")

signals.post_syncdb.connect(create_default_site, sender=site_app)

It's a hassle, so I stopped using django.contrib.auth and django.contrib.sites with INSTALL_APPS.

    # Uncomment the next line to enable the admin:
    # 'django.contrib.admin',
    # Uncomment the next line to enable admin documentation:
    # 'django.contrib.admindocs',

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