(Note) Django in Vagrant environment

** mod_wsgi ** seems to bridge it, so install it (there seems to be other ways, but this time)

sudo yum install mod_wsgi

After that, proceed with reference to here. Write a new file with the extension . conf ** under ** /etc/httpd/conf.d ** ( / etc / httpd / conf / httpd.conf ** is a sub-treatment. ?), write a **. Wsgi ** script for operation in the specified location.

In the reference page, it seems that the Django project is placed under ** cgi-bin **, but it seems that it can be anywhere (of course, in that case, rewrite the directory part of the corresponding .conf).

Once they are done, reboot below.

sudo service httpd restart

The page is displayed when accessing the URL specified by the second argument of ** WSGIScriptAlias ** (probably InternalServerError if it is covered with others)

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