Implemented word2vec with Theano + Keras

gensim gensim.models.word2vec.Word2Vec gensim.models.word2vec.Doc2Vec Only the train function in is reimplemented with keras + Theano so that it works on GPU word2vec-keras-in-gensim Except for train, it's exactly the same as gensim


import gensim.models.word2vec
from word2veckeras.word2veckeras import Word2VecKeras

vsk = Word2VecKeras(gensim.models.word2vec.LineSentence('test.txt'),iter=100)
print( vsk.most_similar('the', topn=5))

It can be used like this.

Installation is


pip install word2veckeras

The main file is And each


if __name__ == "__main__":

Usage examples are written below and in doctest.

As a result of implementing word2vec with keras, it seems that it can be easily modified. As an example, Modify for simultaneous learning of additional information is placed.

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