Implemented SMO with Python + NumPy

I wrote an SVM that seriously pursued speed with only Python + NumPy. The algorithms are LIVSVM documentation and related papers. /~cjlin/papers/quadworkset.pdf) SMO that incorporates various ideas.

For the selection of Working set (selecting 2 variables used for subproblem in each iteration), we adopted a slightly old method (the one used up to LIBSVM ver. 2.8) in order to prioritize ease of implementation, but it is new. There is no guarantee that he will be fast.

Source code

Actually, I was planning to enjoy it alone, but I decided to share the joy with everyone because the speed was unexpectedly practical.

However, writing the explanation of the algorithm seems to be very long, so I compromised and pasted only the code. There are many functions that have not been implemented yet, but basically the usage should be almost the same as scikit-learn.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np

def linear_kernel(x1, x2):
    x1 = np.atleast_2d(x1)
    x2 = np.atleast_2d(x2)
    return, x2.T)

# k(x, y) = exp(- gamma || x1 - x2 ||^2)
def get_rbf_kernel(gamma):
    def rbf_kernel(x1, x2):
        x1 = np.atleast_2d(x1)
        x2 = np.atleast_2d(x2)
        m1, _ = x1.shape
        m2, _ = x2.shape
        norm1 =[m2, 1]), np.atleast_2d(np.sum(x1 ** 2, axis=1))).T
        norm2 =[m1, 1]), np.atleast_2d(np.sum(x2 ** 2, axis=1)))
        return np.exp(- gamma * (norm1 + norm2 - 2 *, x2.T)))
    return rbf_kernel

# k(x1, x2) = (<x1, x2> + coef0)^degree
def get_polynomial_kernel(degree, coef0):
    def polynomial_kernel(x1, x2):
        x1 = np.atleast_2d(x1)
        x2 = np.atleast_2d(x2)
        return (, x2.T) + coef0)**degree
    return polynomial_kernel

class CSvc:

    def __init__(self, C=1e0, kernel=linear_kernel, tol=1e-3, max_iter=1000,
                 gamma=1e0, degree=3, coef0=0):
        self._EPS = 1e-5
        self._TAU = 1e-12
        self._cache = {}
        self.tol = tol
        self.max_iter = max_iter
        self.C = C
        self.gamma = gamma, self.coef0 = degree, coef0
        self.kernel = None
        self._alpha = None
        self.intercept_ = None
        self._grad = None
        self.itr = None
        self._ind_y_p, self._ind_y_n = None, None
        self._i_low, self._i_up = None, None

    def _init_solution(self, y):
        num = len(y)
        self._alpha = np.zeros(num)
        self._i_low = y < 0
        self._i_up = y > 0

    def set_kernel_function(self, kernel):
        if callable(kernel):
            self.kernel = kernel
        elif kernel == 'linear':
            self.kernel = linear_kernel
        elif kernel == 'rbf' or kernel == 'gaussian':
            self.kernel = get_rbf_kernel(self.gamma)
        elif kernel == 'polynomial' or kernel == 'poly':
            self.kernel = get_polynomial_kernel(, self.coef0)
            raise ValueError('{} is undefined name as kernel function'.format(kernel))

    def _select_working_set1(self, y):
        minus_y_times_grad = - y * self._grad
        # Convert boolean mask to index
        i_up = self._i_up.nonzero()[0]
        i_low = self._i_low.nonzero()[0]
        ind_ws1 = i_up[np.argmax(minus_y_times_grad[i_up])]
        ind_ws2 = i_low[np.argmin(minus_y_times_grad[i_low])]
        return ind_ws1, ind_ws2

    def fit(self, x, y):
        self._cache = {}
        num, _ = x.shape
        # Initialize the dual coefficients and gradient
        self._grad = - np.ones(num)
        # Start the iterations of SMO algorithm
        for itr in xrange(self.max_iter):
            # Select two indices of variables as working set
            ind_ws1, ind_ws2 = self._select_working_set1(y)
            # Check stopping criteria: m(a_k) <= M(a_k) + tolerance
            m_lb = - y[ind_ws1] * self._grad[ind_ws1]
            m_ub = - y[ind_ws2] * self._grad[ind_ws2]
            kkt_violation = m_lb - m_ub
            # print 'KKT Violation:', kkt_violation
            if kkt_violation <= self.tol:
                print 'Converged!', 'Iter:', itr, 'KKT Violation:', kkt_violation
            # Compute (or get from cache) two columns of gram matrix
            if ind_ws1 in self._cache:
                qi = self._cache[ind_ws1]
                qi = self.kernel(x, x[ind_ws1]).ravel() * y * y[ind_ws1]
                self._cache[ind_ws1] = qi
            if ind_ws2 in self._cache:
                qj = self._cache[ind_ws2]
                qj = self.kernel(x, x[ind_ws2]).ravel() * y * y[ind_ws2]
                self._cache[ind_ws2] = qj
            # Construct sub-problem
            qii, qjj, qij = qi[ind_ws1], qj[ind_ws2], qi[ind_ws2]
            # Solve sub-problem
            if y[ind_ws1] * y[ind_ws2] > 0:  # The case where y_i equals y_j
                v1, v2 = 1., -1.
                d_max = min(self.C - self._alpha[ind_ws1], self._alpha[ind_ws2])
                d_min = max(-self._alpha[ind_ws1], self._alpha[ind_ws2] - self.C)
            else:  # The case where y_i equals y_j
                v1, v2 = 1., 1.
                d_max = min(self.C - self._alpha[ind_ws1], self.C - self._alpha[ind_ws2])
                d_min = max(-self._alpha[ind_ws1], -self._alpha[ind_ws2])
            quad_coef = v1**2 * qii + v2**2 * qjj + 2 * v1 * v2 * qij
            quad_coef = max(quad_coef, self._TAU)
            d = - (self._grad[ind_ws1] * v1 + self._grad[ind_ws2] * v2) / quad_coef
            d = max(min(d, d_max), d_min)
            # Update dual coefficients
            self._alpha[ind_ws1] += d * v1
            self._alpha[ind_ws2] += d * v2
            # Update the gradient
            self._grad += d * v1 * qi + d * v2 * qj
            # Update I_up with respect to ind_ws1 and ind_ws2
            self._update_iup_and_ilow(y, ind_ws1)
            self._update_iup_and_ilow(y, ind_ws2)
            print 'Exceed maximum iteration'
            print 'KKT Violation:', kkt_violation
        # Set results after optimization procedure
        self._set_result(x, y)
        self.intercept_ = (m_lb + m_ub) / 2.
        self.itr = itr + 1

    def _update_iup_and_ilow(self, y, ind):
        # Update I_up with respect to ind
        if (y[ind] > 0) and (self._alpha[ind] / self.C <= 1 - self._EPS):
            self._i_up[ind] = True
        elif (y[ind] < 0) and (self._EPS <= self._alpha[ind] / self.C):
            self._i_up[ind] = True
            self._i_up[ind] = False
        # Update I_low with respect to ind
        if (y[ind] > 0) and (self._EPS <= self._alpha[ind] / self.C):
            self._i_low[ind] = True
        elif (y[ind] < 0) and (self._alpha[ind] / self.C <= 1 - self._EPS):
            self._i_low[ind] = True
            self._i_low[ind] = False

    def _set_result(self, x, y):
        self.support_ = np.where(self._EPS < (self._alpha / self.C))[0]
        self.support_vectors_ = x[self.support_]
        self.dual_coef_ = self._alpha[self.support_] * y[self.support_]
        # Compute w when using linear kernel
        if self.kernel == linear_kernel:
            self.coef_ = np.sum(self.dual_coef_ * x[self.support_].T, axis=1)

    def decision_function(self, x):
        return np.sum(self.kernel(x, self.support_vectors_) * self.dual_coef_, axis=1) + self.intercept_

    def predict(self, x):
        return np.sign(self.decision_function(x))

    def score(self, x, y):
        return sum(self.decision_function(x) * y > 0) / float(len(y))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Create toy problem
    num_p = 15
    num_n = 15
    dim = 2
    x_p = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.ones(dim) * 1, np.eye(dim), num_p)
    x_n = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.ones(dim) * 2, np.eye(dim), num_n)
    x = np.vstack([x_p, x_n])
    y = np.array([1.] * num_p + [-1.] * num_n)

    # Set parameters
    max_iter = 500000
    C = 1e0
    gamma = 0.005
    tol = 1e-3

    # Set kernel function
    # kernel = get_rbf_kernel(gamma)
    # kernel = linear_kernel
    # kernel = 'rbf'
    # kernel = 'polynomial'
    kernel = 'linear'

    # Create object
    csvc = CSvc(C=C, kernel=kernel, max_iter=max_iter, tol=tol)

    # Run SMO algorithm, y)

Compare speed with LIBSVM

I compared the three of the original LIBSVM, scikit-learn, and my own implementation in a single game. I used the dataset from here.

The content of scikit-learn is LIBSVM, but the connection with Python is ctypes, but scikit-learn uses Cython or something? I don't know much about it.

I used a linear kernel, and the unit of the numerical values in the table is sec.

Self-implementation scikit-learn LIBSVM
mushrooms 0.374 0.320 0.907
a1a 0.729 0.332 0.663
diabetes 0.0795 0.015 0.0451
liver 0.0243 0.0031 0.0109
splice 2.28 0.49 1.10
svmguide3 0.175 0.483 0.148

It's pretty close to the original LIBSVM, but it's the mysterious speed of scikit-learn. Even so, I feel that Python + NumPy alone is able to withstand the Gachi environment (?), So I think I did my best.


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