I tried to make OneHotEncoder, which is often used for data analysis, so that it can reach the itch.

Posts of Hisabisa

Background made

There are category_encoders and pandas get_dummies () for OneHot Encoding, but I find it difficult to use in the following points.

  1. get_dummies () can only be onehot for the input series → There is no consistency when the data is separated into train and test in the data analysis
  2. In category_encoders, the above 1 can be solved because it is in fit and transform format, but it is difficult to understand because the column name and category name are inconsistent.

It was itchy because I couldn't reach the itch.

I made my own ohehot encoder to solve this problem


class BaseEncoder():
    def __init__(self):
    def fit(self):
        raise Exception('not implemented')
    def transform(self):
        raise Exception('not implemented')
    def fit_transform(self):
        raise Exception('not implemented')

class OneHotEncoder(BaseEncoder):
    # library requirement
    # import pandas as pd
    # import numpy as np
    # mojimoji
    def __init__(self, 
        import pandas as pd
        import numpy as np
        import mojimoji
        #  args
        #    col_name : target column [str, default : None]      get column name from training data. If training data is np values, col is None
        #    categories : encoded category list [list, default : None]
        #    handle_unknown : handle unknown category method [str, default : "summarize"] 
        #      "summarize" : unknown category (not appeared in training data) is treated as "unknownCategory"
        #      "ignore" : unknown category is ignored  
        #    handle_nan : handle nan method [str, default : "onehot"]  
        #      "onehot" : nan is treated as onehot
        #      "ignore" : nan is ignored
        #    col_order : output order [str, default : "name"]  
        #      "name" : sorted by category name
        #      "count_asc" : sorted by ascending appearance count
        #      "count_des" : sorted by descending appearance count
        #    col_name_type : column name type [str, default : "category"]
        #      "name" : return column name is category name
        #      "index" : return column name is index number (rare : -1, nan : -2, impute : -3)
        #    force_hankaku : whether apply hankaku or not [bool , default : True]
        #    return_type : return values type [str, default : "df"]   "pd" : pd.DataFrame , "np" : np.values
        #    handle_rare : rare category  treat method [float, list, default : None]
        #      float : rare threshold of appearance category , list : this list category is treated as rare
        #   dummy : dummy method [str, bool, None, defult: None]
        #      str : category name , this category is treated as dummy
        #      True : dummy is valid, and dummy category is selected automatically
        self.col_name = col_name
        if type(categories) is list:
            raise Exception(f"[Error] argument categories is invalid , shuold be list, but>> {categories}")
        self.categories = categories
        checks = ["summarize" , "ignore"]
        if handle_unknown not in checks:
            raise Exception(f"[Error] argument handle_unknown is invalid , shuold be {checks}, but {handle_unknown}")
        self.handle_unknown = handle_unknown
        checks = ["onehot" , "ignore"]
        if handle_nan not in checks:
            raise Exception(f"[Error] argument handle_nan is invalid , shuold be {checks}, but {handle_nan}")
        self.handle_nan = handle_nan
        checks = ["name" , "count_asc", "count_des"]
        if col_order not in checks:
            raise Exception(f"[Error] argument col_order is invalid , shuold be {checks}, but {col_order}")
        self.col_order = col_order
        checks = ["category" , "index"]
        if col_name_type not in checks:
            raise Exception(f"[Error] argument col_name_type is invalid , shuold be {checks}, but {col_name_type}")
        self.col_name_type = col_name_type
        checks = [bool]
        if type(force_hankaku) not in checks:
            raise Exception(f"[Error] argument force_hankaku should be {checks} type , but {force_hankaku}")
        self.force_hankaku = force_hankaku
        checks = ["df" , "np"]
        if return_type not in checks:
            raise Exception(f"[Error] argument return_type is invalid , shuold be {checks}, but {return_type}")
        self.return_type = return_type
        checks = [int, float, list]
        if type(handle_rare) not in checks and handle_rare is not None:
            raise Exception(f"[Error] argument handle_rare should be {checks} type or None, but {handle_rare}")
        if type(handle_rare) in [int, float]:
            if handle_rare >= 1 or handle_rare <= 0:
                print(f"[Warning] handle_rare may be meaningless value >> {handle_rare}")
        self.handle_rare = handle_rare if handle_rare is not None else -1.
        checks = [str, bool]
        if type(dummy) not in checks and dummy is not None:
            raise Exception(f"[Error] argument force hankaku should be {checks} type or None , but {dummy}")
        self.dummy = dummy # True only
        self.encode_map = {}
        self.unknown_categories = []
        self.dummy_category = None
    def fit(self, Xs):
        _Xs = pd.Series(Xs.copy()).astype(str)
        _Xs = _Xs.apply(lambda x : mojimoji.zen_to_han(x))
        # get column name
        if self.col_name is None:
            self.col_name = _Xs.name
            if self.col_name is None:
                self.col_name = "onehotEncode"
                print(f"[Warning] column name is {self.col_name}")
        new_cols = []
        # if categories is inputted
        if self.categories is not None:
            cats = pd.Series(self.categories).astype(str)
            if self.force_hankaku:
                cats = _Xs.apply(lambda x : mojimoji.zen_to_han(x))
            for c in [x for x in cats if x not in ["nan", "None"]]:
                onehot_name = f"{self.col_name}_{c}"
                self.encode_map[c] = onehot_name
            # handle nan
            if self.handle_nan == "onehot":
                for nan_v in ["nan", "None"]:
                    if nan_v in cats:
                        onehot_name = f"{self.col_name}_nan"
                        self.encode_map[nan_v] = onehot_name

            # handle unknown
            if self.handle_unknown == "summarize":
            self.new_cols = new_cols
        # get category
        vc = _Xs.value_counts(dropna=False, normalize=True)
        # sort category
        if self.col_order == "name":
        elif self.col_order == "count_asc":
            vc.sort_values(inplace=True, ascending=True)
        elif self.col_order == "count_des":
            vc.sort_values(inplace=True, ascending=False)

        # rare category (threshold)
        if type(self.handle_rare) is float:
            for c_ind, c in enumerate([x for x in vc[vc > self.handle_rare].index if x not in ["nan", "None"]]):
                # skip dummy
                if (self.dummy == True and c_ind == 0) or (self.dummy == c):
                    self.dummy_category = c
                    self.encode_map[c] = "DUMMY_CATEGORY"
                if self.col_name_type == "category":
                    onehot_name = f"{self.col_name}_{c}"
                elif self.col_name_type == "index":
                    onehot_name = f"{self.col_name}_{c_ind}"
                self.encode_map[c] = onehot_name
                new_cols += [onehot_name]
            for c in [x for x in vc[vc <= self.handle_rare].index if x not in ["nan", "None"]]:
                if self.col_name_type == "category":
                    onehot_name = f"{self.col_name}_rareCategory"
                elif self.col_name_type == "index":
                    onehot_name = f"{self.col_name}_-1"
                self.encode_map[c] = onehot_name
                if onehot_name not in new_cols:
                    new_cols += [onehot_name]
        # rare category (list)
        if type(self.handle_rare) is list:
            for c_ind, c in enumerate([x for x in vc.index if x not in ["nan" , "None"] + self.handle_rare]):
                # skip dummy
                if (self.dummy and c_ind == 0) or (self.dummy == c):
                    self.dummy_category = c
                if self.col_name_type == "category":
                    onehot_name = f"{self.col_name}_{c}"
                elif self.col_name_type == "index":
                    onehot_name = f"{self.col_name}_{c_ind}"
                self.encode_map[c] = onehot_name
                new_cols += [onehot_name]
            for c in self.handle_rare:
                if self.col_name_type == "category":
                    onehot_name = f"{self.col_name}_rareCategory"
                elif self.col_name_type == "index":
                    onehot_name = f"{self.col_name}_-1"
                self.encode_map[c] = onehot_name
                if onehot_name not in new_cols:
                    new_cols += [onehot_name]

        # handle nan
        if self.handle_nan == "onehot":
            for nan_v in ["nan", "None"]:
                if nan_v in vc.index:
                    if self.col_name_type == "category":
                        onehot_name = f"{self.col_name}_nan"
                    elif self.col_name_type == "index":
                        onehot_name = f"{self.col_name}_-2"
                    self.encode_map[nan_v] = onehot_name
                    if onehot_name not in new_cols:
                        new_cols += [onehot_name]
        # handle unknown
        if self.handle_unknown == "summarize":
            if self.col_name_type == "category":
            elif self.col_name_type == "index":
        encode_map_inv = {}
        for k, v in self.encode_map.items():
            if v in encode_map_inv.keys():
                encode_map_inv[v] += [k]
                encode_map_inv[v] = [k]
        self.new_cols = new_cols
        self.categories = list(self.encode_map.keys())
        self.encode_map_inv = encode_map_inv
        del _Xs
    def transform(self, Xs):
        _Xs = pd.Series(Xs.copy()).astype(str)
        if self.force_hankaku:
            _Xs = _Xs.apply(lambda x : mojimoji.zen_to_han(x))
        # return dataframe
        res_df = pd.DataFrame(index=range(len(_Xs)))

        for k, v in self.encode_map_inv.items():
            if k == "DUMMY_CATEGORY":
            res_df[k] = 0 # fill 0
            res_df.loc[_Xs.isin(v), k] = 1 # one hot
        # handle unknown
        if self.handle_unknown == "summarize":
            new_col = f"{self.col_name}_unknownCategory"
            res_df[new_col] = 0 # fill 0
            known_cats = self.categories
            if self.handle_nan == "ignore":
                known_cats += ["nan", "None"]
            res_df.loc[~_Xs.isin(known_cats), new_col] = 1 # one hot
            for cat in list(set(_Xs.values) - set(known_cats)):
                if cat not in self.unknown_categories:
                    self.unknown_categories += [cat]
        del _Xs
        # return type redefine
        if self.return_type == "np":
            res_df = res_df.values
        return res_df
    def fit_transform(self, Xs):
        return self.transform(Xs)

How to use

Create sample data for training and testing as follows

The test has categories (elephant, bird, etc.) that are not found in learning (the encoder created also has a function to put these in the unknown category).

# generate sample category
import random

vals1 = ['salamander'] * 10 + ['snake'] * 8 + ['cameleon'] * 5 + ['rizard'] * 7 + ['frog'] * 2 + ['jellyfish'] * 3 + [np.nan] * 3 + [None] * 2
vals2 = ['cute'] * 4 + ['cool'] * 12 + ['colurful'] * 3 + ['nice'] * 2 + ['Wonderful'] * 3 + ['foooo'] * 3 + ['Excellent'] * 3 + [np.nan] * 6 + [None] * 4

vals3 = ['salamander'] * 13 + ['snake'] * 5 + ['cameleon'] * 7 + ['rizard'] * 5 + ['turtle'] * 3 + ['bird'] * 1 + ['elephant'] * 1 + ["jellyfish"] * 2 + [np.nan] * 1 + [None] * 2
vals4 = ['cute'] * 4 + ['cool'] * 12 + ['colorful'] * 3 + ['nice'] * 2 + ['Wonderful'] * 3 + ['foooo'] * 3 + ['Excellent'] * 1 + ['good'] * 1 + ['OK'] * 1  + [np.nan] * 3 + [None] * 7 



train_df =  pd.DataFrame({'animal' : vals1, 'feature' : vals2})
test_df =  pd.DataFrame({'animal' : vals3, 'feature' : vals4})

Use it simply

Try one hot the animal column

#Create an instance
ohe = OneHotEncoder()

# train data de
Train encode
#Actually encode. Put the training data in transform,



Concat the original data and see the result

pd.concat([train_df, ohe.transform(train_df['animal'])], axis=1)


Some nans are properly onehot, and unknown categories are also available.

Let's look at the test data

pd.concat([test_df, ohe.transform(test_df['animal'])], axis=1)


Since the same column as train is prepared, it can be used as it is with light gbm or elastic net

I want to check which column the category was encoded in

This function was scarce as it was, so I implemented it. dict returns with ohe.encode_map


You can also see the reverse version


Get the added column name


If you ignore nan

Specify handle_nan = "ignore"

ohe = OneHotEncoder(handle_nan="ignore")

nan column is gone


Handling of rare categories that are infrequent

You can specify a category to be a rare category such as handle_rare = 0.1 (the number 0.1 is%)

See how often animals appear

try to encode

ohe = OneHotEncoder(handle_rare=0.1)

rareCategory has been added


If you look at encode_map, you can see what became rare

In addition, if you put a list of categories in handle_rare, the entered categories will be encoded in rareCategory.

ohe = OneHotEncoder(handle_rare=["cameleon", "frog"])


I want to ignore the unknown category

handle_unknown = "ignore", unknown is not encoded

ohe = OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown="ignore")


When you don't want the column name to be a category

If col_name_type = "index" is set, it becomes an index (same as category_encoders)

ohe = OneHotEncoder(col_name_type="index")


Specify the column name

By default, the column name of dataframe is prefix, but you can change it with col_name = "XXXX"

(If you enter a numpy value instead of a dataframe, onehotEncode will be a prefix)

ohe = OneHotEncoder(col_name="new_col")


I want to dummy encode

If you want dummy encoding (encoding that reduces the number of features by not making one category a column) set dummy = True

ohe = OneHotEncoder(dummy=True)


Dummy categories can be retrieved with ohe.dummy_category

If dummy = "xxx", the category will be dummy


I would like to create a library of category encodings that can be reached where it is itchy

I'm glad if you can get an impression by using the above

There are other detailed functions besides the above, but I'm tired of writing, so when I get more likes, I plan to make a library and put together usage such as git.

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