It's Cat Day, so I tried to make something that translates into cat-like words.

Why did you put it together?

Today is 02/22 (Cat Day), so I tried to summarize it. → If you notice, the date will come again, and it will be in time for 02/22!

It's usually hard to read and it's embarrassing, so I'll write it normally after that.

What is the environment?

I made a quick and easy one using Google colaboratory. To put it simply, it's a Jupyter Notebook environment that can be used free of charge from a browser provided by Google. You can also access, edit and execute from your smartphone. (Very convenient)


  1. Convert input Japanese to Romaji (library: using pykakasi)
  2. Convert Romaji to cat-like (just replace)
  3. Reconvert Romaji to Japanese (library: using romkan)
  4. Above

What about the actual contents?

The libraries used are as follows.

Library name Contents Link
pykakasi Japanese (Kanji / Hiragana / Katakana) → Romaji conversion
romkan Romaji → Japanese (Hiragana / Katakana) conversion
Crisp library installation
pip install git+ romkan 


# coding: utf-8
from pykakasi import kakasi
import romkan

#Japanese → Romaji
def j2roma(jtext):
  kakasi_ = kakasi()

  kakasi_.setMode('H', 'a')  #Hiragana → Romaji
  kakasi_.setMode('K', 'a')  #Katakana → Romaji
  #kakasi_.setMode('J', 'a') #Kanji → Romaji
  kakasi_.setMode("s", True) #Word-separation

  conv = kakasi_.getConverter()

  #char_list = list(

#Convert like a cat (add romaji to convert here)
def s2h(rtext):
    dst = rtext.replace("na","nya")
    dst = dst.replace("ta","tanya")
    dst = dst.replace("da","danya")
    return dst

#Romaji → Japanese
def roma2j(rtext):
    return romkan.to_hiragana(rtext)

def nyaa(jtext):
  rtext = j2roma(jtext)
  rnyan = s2h(rtext)
  jnyan = roma2j(rnyan)
  return jnyan

Execution & result


nyaa("Meros was furious. I decided that I had to get rid of the king of the evil wisdom and violence.")


'Merosu was furious. Inevitably, I decided that I had to get rid of the king of the evil wisdom and violence.'


It looks like that unexpectedly, and the cat is cute.


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