Project Euler 42


The n-term of a triangular number is given by tn = ½n (n + 1). The first 10 terms are

1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, ... Is.

The sum is taken after converting the alphabet in the word to a number. We call this sum the "word value". For example, SKY is 19 + 11 + 25 = 55 = t10. The word value is a triangular number. At one point, the word is called a triangular word.

Approximately 2000 English words are written in the 16K text file words.txt. How many triangular words are there?


The response policy is as follows.

  1. Make a set of reference triangular numbers.
  2. Calculate the value from the word.
  3. Determine if the calculated value is included in the set of triangular numbers.
  4. If it is determined that it is included, add 1 to the variable ans.
def main():
  words = file2list('p042_words.txt')
  MAX = max_length(words) * 26
  tri = tri_dict(MAX)
  ans = 0
  for word in words:
    if word2num(word) in tri:
      ans += 1
  print ans

file2list is a function that opens a file and lists the read strings. If you pass a function to the list, it seems to be more versatile, but it's annoying, so it's not supported.

def file2list(filename):
  file = open(filename)
  ret ='"','').split(',')
  return ret

A function that calculates the number of characters in a word list words to determine the maximum value for creating a set of triangular numbers.

def max_length(words):
  max_len = 0
  for word in words:
    if len(word) > max_len:
      max_len = len(word)
  return max_len

A function that returns a dictionary-type object that stores a triangular number that is less than or equal to the specified maximum value.

def f(n):
  return n * (n+1) / 2

def tri_dict(max):
  tri = {}
  while f(n)<=max:
    tri[f(n)] = True
  return tri

Functions that digitize words, etc. I should have used reduce. Note that ord is a built-in function that returns the integer representing the Unicode code point if the string is a unicode object, and the value of that byte if the string is an 8-bit string, for a given string of length 1. In alfa2num, the value of the byte of'A'is 65, so the value obtained by subtracting 64 is returned.

def alfa2num(s):
  return ord(s) - 64
def word2num(word):
  return sum([alfa2num(s) for s in word])

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