I want a development environment, but it is troublesome to set up the Server one by one. .. AWS Cloud9 is convenient for you.
You can start writing code immediately without setting up Server!
Reference: AWS Cloud9
AWS Cloud9 is a cloud-based integrated development environment (IDE) that allows you to write, execute, and debug code in a browser only. It includes a code editor, debugger and terminal. Cloud9 comes pre-packaged with essential tools for popular programming languages such as JavaScript, Python, and PHP, so you'll need to install files and set up your development machine to start a new project. there is no.
If you do not have an AWS account, please refer to this Qiita article and create one. How to create an AWS free account
Access the URL below https://console.aws.amazon.com/
Personally, I like the "Tokyo" Region, so I'll change it from the Default "Ohio".
Safely changed to "Tokyo"
Click "Services" in the upper left
A list of services comes out like this
Scroll to the bottom and click on "Cloud9" in the "Developer Tools" section.
A screen like this will appear (Japanese page is not supported, English page)
Click "Create environment"
Transition to such a page
Enter "Name" and "Description" and click "Next step" so that you can see what the Cloud9 environment is for.
Transit to the environment setting screen
Set according to your environment
This time, I want to demo with a free frame, so select the "t2.micro" instance Also, if the OS is Linux, there is no particular preference, so select "Amazon Linux"
For the cost-saving setting, there are times when you want to turn the process behind the scenes, so if you do not want to go down without permission when you are not connected, set "Never"
Click "Next step"
Make a final confirmation of the settings and click "Create environent"
Like this, it will create a Cloud9 environment (wait for 2-3 minutes in this state)
Cloud9 environment is ready!
Enter the following command on the Console screen at the bottom As of 2020-07-10, it seems that Python 3.6.10 is included by default.
python -V
You can also open the terminal screen from the tab
Press "+" on the tab to create a New File
Click File-> Save as
Set an appropriate name and click "save"
Write your own Code This time it is for testing, so execute it with the following code
print('hello world')
a = 1 + 2 - 3 * 4
Click "Run"
Like this, AWS Cloud9 is highly recommended because it makes it easy to create a development environment. Please give it a try!
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