Create a VS Code + Docker development environment on a Linux VM

Since VS Code's Remote (Container) plugin was convenient, I tried to build a development environment on the VM.

I can't install Docker straight on a Windows VM (Hyper V option is disabled on guest OS).

So, I made it possible to use remote desktop with Linux VM and built a development environment.

1. VM preparation

--Create a VM on Cent OS 7.

(If you build the environment with Cent OS 8 in the following procedure, you can connect with RDP immediately after setup, but after restarting, there was a problem that neither SSH nor RDP could be connected to the VM, so I tried again)

2. Set up Remote Desktop

--Ssh connect to the VM and switch to the Root user.

  sudo su - 

--Refer to the following site and install the RDP package. Connect to a Linux instance in the cloud using RDP on Windows --Qiita

--Create a user for RDP. Add to sudo list as needed.

$ useradd sampleuser  
$ passwd sampleuser 
$ usermod -aG wheel sampleuser

-Changed the default look (if you like) from GNOME Classic to GNOME

echo 'DESKTOP="GNOME"' >> /etc/sysconfig/desktop
systemctl restart gdm.service

3. Connect to VM with Remote Desktop

Connect to the VM using the Remote Desktop app.

4. Install Visual Studio Code

-Download the rmp file from Official Site and install it with yum

cd ~/path/to/download/
sudo yum install code-1.42.0-1580986751.el7.x86_64.rpm

--Install the Remote (Conteiner) plugin Search for the "Remote (Conteiner)" plugin on VS Code and install it.

5. Install Docker

--Install Docker by referring to the following site

Install Docker on CentOS 7

--Add users to Docker group

$  usermod -aG docker sampleuser

6. Run Docker with VS Code

--Click the "+" button in the "Remote Explorer" tab --Select "Open Folder in Container" and select a blank folder --Select and run the "Python 3" container --Launches a container that can execute Python 3 code


Reference: When ssh key authentication fails with git in the container

--Git fetch once at the terminal of the container --Once you answer yes to the question of whether to connect to the host, it will be cured.

Open ssh repository in container fails with host key verification · Issue #2087 · microsoft/vscode-remote-release · GitHub

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