RemoteContainers are very convenient, aren't they? Thanks to that, PyCharm seems to be cheating on VS Code. I didn't have an article about Django + Remote Containers, so I'll post the steps to build a Django development environment with minimal configuration.
This is a VS Code extension that allows you to create and connect containers very easily. You can finish the environment construction without touching any Docker command. There is no problem with that level of understanding for reading this article.
If you use the image of python: 3.8, there are no special packages required to start Django, If you have any required packages, feel free to install them.
FROM python:3.8
#Install if you have the required packages
# RUN apt install ~~~
version: '3'
build: .
- "8000:8000"
- './:/app/sampleApp'
working_dir: '/app/sampleApp'
container_name: sampleApp
privileged: true
tty: true
Directory structure up to this point
Django-docker-sample #This workspace folder
├─ docker-compose.yml
└─ Dockerfile
Open the workspace folder with VS Code and add the extension "Remote --Containers".
If you search for "remote containers", it will probably appear at the top.
Now you are ready!
When you add Remote Containers, an icon will be displayed at the bottom left of the VS Code screen, so click it.
Select Remote-Containers: Reopen in Container from the pull-down menu.
Select From'docker-compose.yml' from the pull-down.
(At the first startup, the container build will run, so wait for a while ...: cat2 :)
It's OK if the container connection information is displayed at the bottom left of the VS Code screen!
You are now connected to VS Code running inside the container from your local machine. This means that subsequent commands executed in the terminal will be executed in the container instead of the host machine.
Execute the following command from the terminal.
/workspace# pip install django
/workspace# django-admin startproject sampleApp
/workspace# cd sampleApp
/workspace/sampleApp# python migrate
/workspace/sampleApp# python runserver
Open the URL displayed in the terminal with [Ctrl + left click], and when the Django sample screen is displayed, it's OK!
In actual development, I would like to use breakpoints and watch formulas, but these can be done by following the steps below.
It won't start without this.
You will be able to put breakpoints in your code, so try putting them somewhere.
Create a launch.json for Django debugging.
You will be asked for the path of, so change it to "$ {workspaceFolder} /sampleApp/".
Debug execution! It should stop at the breakpoint.
I think there is an unfamiliar folder called ".devcontainer" in the workspace folder and json and yml files in it. This is a file created by Remote Containers. By describing the extension ID in list format in "extensions" of ".devcontainer/devcontainer.json", it will be installed without permission when the container is created. Convenient!
This eliminates the need to manually re-install the extension even if the container is recreated. Let's add your favorite extension.
that's all. Thank you for your hard work: cat2:
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